Mechanisms of filtration
A s shown in Figure 11-4 a, some particles are removed by simple mechanical screening because
the particle is larger than the smallest opening through which the water flows. This is the domi-
nant mechanism for slow sand filters. Straining causes a cake to form at the surface of the filter.
This improve
s the efficiency of particle removal but also increases the headloss.
In depth-filtration, particles smaller than the openings between the granular material are removed
by a variety of mechanisms including sedimentation, flocculation, interception, and impaction.
The pore spaces between the grains of granular material are small, and the water velocity
through the intersti
ces is also small. If the mass and diameter of the particles is large enough,
it will settle through the short distance from the water to the particle ( Figure 11-4b) . Because
the streamlines of water flowing through the interstices bend as the water passes around the
granular material, particles are brought into contact with one another. This mix
ing causes them
to flocculate and grow larger in size ( Figure 11-4c) . The larger particles may then be captured
by straining. Bending streamlines also cause smaller particles to pass near enough to the grains
of filter material to be intercepted ( F igure 11-4d) . In some cases the particles have suffic
mass that they cannot follow the alteration in flow path with the streamlines, and their trajectory
causes them to impact on the granular material of the filter ( Figure 11-4e) .
A s the particles in the water come in contact with the granular filter material, the surface
forces must be favorable for them to attach. They must sufficiently destabilized so that the ele
trostatic repulsive forces are minimized and the short range van der Waals forces res u lt in a net
attractive force.
Two approaches are used to provide models of fundamental filtration theory: microscopic
and macroscopic (or phenomenologic). Although these models
are not effective for predicting
long-term filter performance, they are useful for evaluating the relative importance of the filtra-
tion mechanisms and the importance of several design and operating parameters. The models are
based on several simplifying assumptions: spherical particles collide with spherical filter grains;
namic variability caused by angular media is not considered; changes in the filter media
with time and depth in the filter are not considered; and changes in porosity and grain size as
particles accumulate are not considered.
Microscopic Models of Filtration. Yao et al. (1971) developed a transport and attachment model
describes accumulation of particles on a single media grain “collector” by sedimentation, inter-
ception, and diffusion. This model underpredicts the number of collisions when compared to experi-
mental data. A refinement of this model, called trajectory analysis, b y Rajagopalan and Tein (1976)
ludes additional attractive forces due to van der Waals forces and reduced collisions due to viscous
resistance. This model predicts filtration behavior better than the Yao model (Logan et al., 1995).
The Rajagopalan and Tien model can be used to demonstrate the effect of the uniformity
oefficient ( Figure 11-5 ) and dual-media filters ( Figure 11-6 ) on filtration efficiency.
Macroscopic Models of Filtration. The phenomenological models make no attempt to de-
scribe the mechanisms of particle transport or attachment. They are based on a m ass balance
expression and an empirical rate expression to relate the duration of ripening, water quality, time
to breakthrough, and time to terminal headloss.