design when the raw water is improperly conditioned. Rapid sand filters have been in use for
over a century. They have proven reliable but are limited in that the finest sand is on the top. As
a result, the smallest pore spaces are also on the top. Therefore, most of the particles will clog in
the top layer of the filter and only a small portion of the filter depth will be used. Because of the
clogging of the
small pore spaces, headloss is quickly accumulated and the length of the filter run
is shorter than with the coarse media.
Softened grou ndwater has the most consistent water quality over long periods of time. In
addition, the precipitate floc is very tough. Each of the three different media filters perform well.
D ual- or multimedia filters are favored when the raw water source is a large lake such as
Lake Michigan. They are recommended for rivers with seasonal flooding, that res
ults in large,
rapid changes in turbidity over short periods of time.
Monomedia filters are preferred when the water s ource characteristics change only slowly
with time and when chemical conditioning can keep pace with the changes.
For smaller plants ( 8,000 m
/ d), the minim um number of filters is two. For plants with a de-
sign capacity greater than 8,000 m
/ d, the minimum number of filters is four. A rule-of-thumb
estimate for larger plants may be made using Kawamura’s suggestion (2000):
N 0 0195
0 5
where N total number of filters
Q maximum design flow rate, m
/ d
Example 11-4. Estimate the number of filters for Ottawa Island’s new water treatment plant
( Examples 11-1 , 11-2 , 11-3 ) if the maximum day design flow rate is 18,400 m
/ d.
Solution. Using Equation 11-17 , the number of filters is
N 0 0195 18 400 2 65
0 5
., .
However, the design guidance for plants with a design capacity greater than 8,000 m
/ d is a mini-
mum of four filters.
Comment. Four filters provide more flexibility in operation.
Filtration Rate
When a plant has a small number of filters, the filtration rate in the remaining filters increases
dramatically when one filter is taken off-line for backwashing or maintenance. A sudden increase
in the filtration rate in those filters in service may result in particle detachment and an increase
in turbidity in the effluent. This condition must be analyzed when the filtration rate is
selected. If
the design filtration rate is to be maintained, the nominal filtration with all units in service will be
proportionally lower. GLUMRB (2003) specifies that the filters shall be capable of meeting the
plant design capacity at the approved design filtration rate with one filter removed from service.
The capital cost of the filter is directly related to the filtration rate because higher filtration
rates result in a
smaller area for the filter bed. With proper coagulation, inc lusion of polymer