290 Index
differential approach (continued)
integral operator, 93–94
knots, continuity at, 95
linear flows. See linear flows
method of, basic, 91
mixed trigonometric splines, 112–114
polyharmonic splines. See polyharmonic
polynomial splines, 92, 98
splines in tension, 110–112
differential equations
for B-splines, 92–95
cone splines, characterizing, 100
discretization of, 103–105
inhomogeneous, 103
for natural cubic splines, 168
for splines in tension, 111
differential operators
defined, 93–94
directional derivatives, 100
discrete analog of, 102
discrete Laplacian masks, 124–125
higher order versions of, 103–104
Laplace operator, 121, 124–125,
144, 149
matrix notation, 143–144
differential recurrence for B-spline basis
functions, 95
dilating the coordinate axis, 21
Dirac delta function, 93, 96
directional derivatives, 100
directional integrals, 99
directional integration. See repeated
discrete differential operator, 102
discrete Laplacian masks, 124–125, 149
discretization of differential equations,
discs, 201
divergence free linear flows, 143
double-sheeted surfaces, 218
downsampling matrices, 159–160
dual subdivision schemes, 146–147,
ease of use of subdivision, 25
edges, types of, 201
edge-splitting subdivisions, 203–204
efficiency of subdivision, 25
Loop subdivision, 266
smoothness, analyzing with, 252–253
smoothness at extraordinary vertices,
determining with, 254–259
eigenvector relation theorems, 247–248
eigenvectors and eigenvalues
characteristic maps, 250–252, 267–271
circulant matrices, computing, 260–263
complex eigenvalues, 250
eigenfunctions. See eigenfunctions
indexing, 245
Jacobian, 267–271
local subdivision matrices, computing at,
of matrices for extraordinary vertices,
smoothness at extraordinary vertices,
energy minimization, multiresolution
spaces, 184–188
Euler characteristic of grids, 199
Euler-Lagrange theorem, 168, 175
exact derivatives approach, 158–162
exact enclosed areas for parametric curves,
exact evaluation near an extraordinary
vertices, 246–249
exact inner products, 162–164
explicit representation of functions, 1
exponential B-splines
basis functions, 106, 108
convergence analysis, 116–119
defined, 103
difference mask construction, 104
discretization of differential equations,
finite difference scheme for, 103
Green’s functions, in terms of, 108–109
integral recurrence definition, 109
limit function, 105–106
mixed trigonometric splines, 112–114
as piecewise analytic functions, 106–109
scaling functions, 108
smoothness, 118–119
splines in tension, 110–112
subdivision masks, 105
subdivision scheme for, 105–106
expressiveness of subdivision, 25
extraordinary vertices
annulus, 268
arbitrary valence vertices, smoothness at,
159, 267–271
maps, 250–252, 267–271