9.5 What Causes Crashes? 277
of the type (9.8) or generalizations thereof is the discriminating factor [225].
Endogeneous crashes happen more or less close to the culmination point of a
log-periodic sequence. The log-periodic precursor sequence therefore allows,
with the reservations made above, a prediction of the event. Clear examples
include in 1929 Black Monday (Fig. 9.10), the crash of October 1987 in many
world markets (Figs. 9.2 and 9.9 for Wall Street), the Asian crash in 1997
(Figs. 9.1 and 9.12 for the Hang Seng and Dow Jones indices, respectively),
and the 2000 crash on Nasdaq, among others. Common to these endogeneous
crashes is that one cannot identify a single underlying cause or triggering
event, and that the systematically happen after long bullish rallies [225].
Exogeneous crashes happen out of the blue, and are not preceded by
a log-periodic power-law time series, as can be verified with the examples
cited above and many more [225]. They are intrinsically unpredictable. An
exogeneous crash in a specific market can, however, be due to the crash of
another market. This can be seen on the time series of the DAX in 1987
which does not carry the log-periodic power-law signatures of Wall Street.
Apparently, the endogeneous crash of Wall Street was perceived by german
investors as an exogeneous, catastrophic event, and they reacted in panic.
Within a model of multifractal random walks [226, 227], building on the
concepts discussed in Chap. 6, exogeneous and endogeneous crashes relate to
different quantities and therefore produce, e.g., different decay of the volatility
in the markets. The basic idea is as follows. Independently of its origin, the
crash produces a volatility shock. Unlike in the simple models, volatility in
real markets is a long-time correlated variable, cf. Chap. 5.6.3 and Figs. 5.24
and 5.25. The temporal decay of the excess volatility now depends on the
nature of the perturbation, and the state of the market at the time of the
perturbation [228].
For the exogeneous crash, the volatility decay is determined by the re-
sponse of the market to a single piece of very bad news, i.e. to a delta
function-like perturbation δ(t). Based on the linear response functions of the
multifractal random walk model, a decay of the excess volatility ∼ 1/
t − t
is found. The excess volatility after an exogeneous crashes indeed decays in
this way while after an endogenous crashes, it does not [228].
For an endogenous crash, the volatility response conditional on a major
volatility burst within the system is relevant. Evaluating the appropriate con-
ditional response function, one finds that the excess volatility can formally be
written as a power law of time, ∼ (t−t
[228]. The exponent α depends
on the strength of the volatility perturbation. β contains a logarithmic time
dependence itself. Unless α β, the volatility after an endogeneous crash
therefore does not decay as a pure power law.
Prior to an endogeneous crash, a description of the market behavior in
terms of incorporation of information into prices can only be given if it is
assumed that there has been a particular sequence of small pieces of infor-
mation which brought the market into an unstable state. The endogeneous