2. The code is read in a sequential manner starting from
a fixed point in the gene. The insertion or deletion of a nu-
cleotide shifts the frame (grouping) in which succeeding
nucleotides are read as codons (insertions or deletions of
nucleotides are therefore also known as frameshift muta-
tions).Thus the code has no internal punctuation that indi-
cates the reading frame; that is, the code is comma free.
3. The code is a triplet code.
4. All or nearly all of the 64 triplet codons code for an
amino acid; that is, the code is degenerate.
These principles are illustrated by the following anal-
ogy. Consider a sentence (gene) in which the words
(codons) each consist of three letters (bases).
(Here the spaces separating the words have no physical sig-
nificance; they are only present to indicate the reading
frame.) The deletion of the fourth letter, which shifts the
reading frame, changes the sentence to
so that all words past the point of deletion are unintelligi-
ble (specify the wrong amino acids). An insertion of any
letter, however, say an X in the ninth position,
restores the original reading frame. Consequently, only the
words between the two changes (mutations) are altered.As
in this example, such a sentence might still be intelligible
(the gene could still specify a functional protein), particu-
larly if the changes are close together.Two deletions or two
insertions, no matter how close together, would not sup-
press each other but just shift the reading frame. However,
three insertions, say X, Y, and Z in the fifth, eighth, and
twelfth positions, respectively, would change the sentence to
which, after the third insertion, restores the original read-
ing frame. The same would be true of three deletions. As
before, if all three changes were close together, the sen-
tence might still retain much of its meaning.
Crick and Brenner did not unambiguously demonstrate
that the genetic code is a triplet code because they had no
proof that their insertions and deletions involved only single
nucleotides. Strictly speaking,they showed that a codon con-
sists of 3r nucleotides where r is the number of nucleotides in
an insertion or deletion. Although it was generally assumed
at the time that r 1, proof of this assertion had to await the
elucidation of the genetic code (Section 32-1C).
C. Deciphering the Genetic Code
The genetic code could, in principle, be determined by sim-
ply comparing the base sequence of an mRNA with the
amino acid sequence of the polypeptide it specifies. In the
1960s, however, techniques for isolating and sequencing
Section 32-1. The Genetic Code 1341
mRNAs had not yet been developed. The elucidation of
the genetic code dictionary therefore proved to be a diffi-
cult task.
a. UUU Specifies Phe
The major breakthrough in deciphering the genetic code
came in 1961 when Marshall Nirenberg and Heinrich
Matthaei established that UUU is the codon specifying Phe.
They did so by demonstrating that the addition of poly(U) to
a cell-free protein synthesizing system stimulates only the
synthesis of poly(Phe). The cell-free protein synthesizing
system was prepared by gently breaking open E. coli cells by
grinding them with powdered alumina and centrifuging the
resulting cell sap to remove the cell walls and membranes.
This extract contained DNA, mRNA, ribosomes, enzymes,
and other cell constituents necessary for protein synthesis.
When fortified with ATP, GTP, and amino acids, the system
synthesized small amounts of proteins. This was demon-
strated by the incubation of the system with
amino acids followed by the precipitation of its proteins by
the addition of trichloroacetic acid. The precipitate proved
to be radioactive.
A cell-free protein synthesizing system, of course, pro-
duces proteins specified by the cell’s DNA. On addition of
DNase, however, protein synthesis stops within a few min-
utes because the system can no longer synthesize mRNA,
whereas the mRNA originally present is rapidly degraded.
Nirenberg found that crude mRNA-containing fractions
from other organisms were highly active in stimulating pro-
tein synthesis in a DNase-treated protein synthesizing sys-
tem.This system is likewise responsive to synthetic mRNAs.
The synthetic mRNAs that Nirenberg used in subse-
quent experiments were synthesized by the Azotobacter
vinelandii enzyme polynucleotide phosphorylase. This en-
zyme, which was discovered by Severo Ochoa and Mari-
anne Grunberg-Manago, links together nucleotides in the
In contrast to RNA polymerase, however, polynucleotide
phosphorylase does not utilize a template. Rather, it ran-
domly links together the available NDPs so that the base
composition of the product RNA reflects that of the reac-
tant NDP mixture.
Nirenberg and Matthaei demonstrated that poly(U)
stimulates the synthesis of poly(Phe) by incubating
poly(U) and a mixture of 1 radioactive and 19 unlabeled
amino acids in a DNase-treated protein synthesizing sys-
tem. Significant radioactivity appeared in the protein pre-
cipitate only when phenylalanine was labeled. UUU must
therefore be the codon specifying Phe. In similar experi-
ments using poly(A) and poly(C), it was found that
poly(Lys) and poly(Pro), respectively, were synthesized.
Thus AAA specifies Lys and CCC specifies Pro. [Poly(G)
cannot function as a synthetic mRNA because, even under
denaturing conditions, it aggregates to form a four-
stranded helix (Section 30-4De).An mRNA must be single
stranded to direct its translation; Section 32-2D.]
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