proteins. For example, knockout mice lacking either SCAP
or S1P in their livers have decreased expression of both
HMG-CoA reductase and LDL receptor, even when fed a
cholesterol-deficient diet. In contrast, transgenic mice that
overexpress SREBP or SCAP have greatly increased ex-
pression of the foregoing proteins. In fact, animals overpro-
ducing only the bHLH/Z domain of SREBP have mas-
sively enlarged livers (up to 4-fold larger than normal) due
to engorgement with triacylglycerols and cholesteryl esters
and yet they continue to transcribe SREBP’s target genes
such that their mRNA levels are up to 75-fold greater than
normal. Many individuals suffering from obesity or dia-
betes caused by insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes; Section
27-4B) have fatty livers, which in some cases leads to liver
failure. Fatty livers due to insulin resistance appear to be
caused by elevated levels of SREBP in response to ele-
vated insulin levels.
The level of HMG-CoA reductase also responds to
the level of the cholesterol precursor lanosterol (Section
25-6Ad). HMG-CoA reductase’s ER membrane-bound
N-terminal domain contains eight TM helices, whereas its
C-terminal domain, which contains its active site and is
linked to the N-terminal domain via a flexible Pro-rich se-
quence, projects into the cytosol. Insig binds to an enzy-
matic complex that marks proteins for degradation by co-
valently linking them to the protein ubiquitin (Section
32-6B). When lanosterol accumulates in the ER mem-
brane, the N-terminal domain of HMG-CoA reductase
also binds to Insig,and is thus marked for destruction. Con-
sequently, the 12-hour half-life of HMG-CoA reductase
in sterol-deprived cells decreases to 1 hour when sterols
are plentiful.
c. Regulation of HMG-CoA Reductase by Covalent
Modification Is a Means of Cellular Energy
HMG-CoA reductase exists in interconvertible more ac-
tive and less active forms, as do glycogen phosphorylase
(Section 18-3Ca), glycogen synthase (Section 18-3D), pyru-
vate dehydrogenase (Section 21-2Cb), and acetyl-CoA car-
boxylase (Section 25-4Ba), among others. The unmodified
form of HMG-CoA reductase is more active and the phos-
phorylated form is less active. HMG-CoA reductase is
phosphorylated (inactivated) at its Ser 871 in a bicyclic cas-
cade system by the covalently modifiable enzyme AMP-
dependent protein kinase (AMPK), which, as we saw in
Section 25-4Ba, also acts on acetyl-CoA carboxylase [in
this context, this enzyme was originally named HMG-CoA
reductase kinase (RK), until it was found to be identical to
AMPK]. It appears that this control is exerted to conserve
energy when ATP levels fall and AMP levels rise, by in-
hibiting biosynthetic pathways. This hypothesis was tested
by Brown and Goldstein, who used genetic engineering
techniques to produce hamster cells containing a mutant
HMG-CoA reductase with Ala replacing Ser 871 and
therefore incapable of phosphorylation control.These cells
respond normally to feedback regulation of cholesterol
biosynthesis by LDL–cholesterol and mevalonate but, un-
Section 25-6. Cholesterol Metabolism 989
like normal cells, do not decrease their synthesis of choles-
terol on ATP depletion, supporting the idea that control of
HMG-CoA reductase by phosphorylation is involved in
energy conservation.
d. LDL Receptor Activity Controls
Cholesterol Homeostasis
LDL receptors clearly play an important role in the
maintenance of plasma LDL–cholesterol levels. In normal
individuals, about half of the IDL formed from the VLDL
reenters the liver through LDL receptor-mediated endocy-
tosis (IDL and LDL both contain apolipoproteins that
specifically bind to the LDL receptor; Section 12-5Bc).The
remaining IDL are converted to LDL (Fig. 25-62a). The
serum concentration of LDL therefore depends on the rate
at which liver removes IDL from the circulation, which, in
turn, depends on the number of functioning LDL receptors
on the liver cell surface.
High blood cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia), which
results from the overproduction and/or underutilization of
LDL, is known to be caused by either of two metabolic
irregularities: (1) the genetic disease familial hyper-
cholesterolemia (FH) or (2) the consumption of a high-
cholesterol diet. FH is a dominant genetic defect that
results in a deficiency of functional LDL receptors (Section
12-5Ca). Homozygotes for this disorder lack functional
LDL receptors, so their cells can absorb neither IDL nor
LDL by receptor-mediated endocytosis.The increased con-
centration of IDL in the bloodstream leads to a correspon-
ding increase in LDL, which is, of course, underutilized
since it cannot be taken up by the cells (Fig. 25-62b). FH
homozygotes therefore have plasma LDL–cholesterol lev-
els three to five times higher than average. FH heterozy-
gotes, which are far more common, have about half of the
normal number of functional LDL receptors and plasma
LDL–cholesterol levels about twice the average.
The long-term ingestion of a high-cholesterol diet has an ef-
fect similar, although not as extreme, as FH (Fig. 25-62c). Ex-
cessive dietary cholesterol enters the liver cells in chylomi-
cron remnants and represses the synthesis of LDL receptor
protein. The resulting insufficiency of LDL receptors on the
liver cell surface has consequences similar to those of FH.
LDL receptor deficiency, whether of genetic or dietary
origin, raises the LDL level by two mechanisms: (1) in-
creased LDL production resulting from decreased IDL
uptake and (2) decreased LDL uptake. Two strategies for
reversing these conditions (besides maintaining a low-
cholesterol diet) are being used in humans:
1. Ingestion of anion exchange resins (Section 6-3A) that
bind bile salts, thereby preventing their intestinal absorption
(resins are insoluble in water). Bile salts, which are derived
from cholesterol, are normally efficiently recycled by the
liver (Section 25-6C). Elimination of resin-bound bile salts in
the feces forces the liver to convert more cholesterol to bile
salts than otherwise. The consequent decrease in the serum
cholesterol concentration induces synthesis of LDL recep-
tors (of course, not in FH homozygotes). Unfortunately, the
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