of the infection within the insect and they have broad
target organ specificity (Keddie et al., 1989); this phe-
notypic form is also the agent used in propagation of
the virus in cell culture applications (Refer to Fig-
ure 1). The principle mode of entry is by receptor
mediated adsorptive endocytosis (Volkman & Gold-
smith, 1985). Once the virus is adsorbed onto the
cell surface, it is internalized within clathrin coated
vesicles (Wickham et al., 1992). After uncoating of
the vesicle (endosome), nucleocapsids gain entry into
the host cell cytoplasm by fusion of the virus enve-
lope with the endosome membrane (Volkman, 1986).
Fusion of primary lysosomes to virus-containing endo-
somes and concomitant pH changes probably triggers
the membrane fusion process. BV entry into cells by
direct fusion at the plasma membrane, in the manner of
PDV, may occur, albeit inefficiently. After this step, the
nucleocapsids may proceed with the infectious process
as will be described later.
At later stages in the infection cycle, BV synthe-
sis is curtailed in both the insect and in tissue culture,
in favour of synthesis of the PDV phenotype. Large
numbers of nucleocapsids accumulate in the intranu-
clear ring zone (preistromal compartment) and become
enveloped, either individually or in bundles. The origin
of the PDV envelope is somewhat uncertain. Compo-
nents may be synthesized de novo (Stoltz et al., 1973;
Mackinnon et al., 1974); however, the source material
is most likely derived from the host cell inner nuclear
membrane and subsequently modified (Tanada & Hess,
1976; Summers & Arnott, 1969).
Also, late in the infection cycle, polyhedrin synthe-
sis accelerates and the protein is transported into the
nucleus where it begins to crystallize. Concomitantly
a second protein, p10 is also produced in abundance
and condenses as distinct fibrillar structures in both
the cytoplasm and nucleus (Williams et al., 1989).
During the process of polyhedrin condensation PDV
become embedded within the matrix. Maturation of
occlusion bodies is completed by their envelopment
in a polyhedral calyx composed primarily of sugars
and at least one phosphoprotein (Minion et al., 1979;
Whitt & Manning, 1988). Eventual insect death due
to polyhedrosis disease results in release of OB and
contamination of the surrounding substrate. Release of
OB is probably accelerated due to the action of a virus-
encoded cysteine proteinase (Slack et al., 1995) and a
chitinase (R.D. Possee pers. comm.) which may cause
dissolution of the larval tissues and cuticle, respective-
ly. After death and lysis of the host insect tissues and
cuticle, OB protect PDV prior to ingestion by other lar-
vae. Occlusion bodies play an important role in virus
persistence in populations of insects that have seasonal
feeding cycles (Jaques, 1977; Jaques, 1985).
Baculovirus phenotypes
NPV have two genotypically identical phenotypic
forms, each with a specific function in the spread of
infection; from host to host by the PDV
and system-
ically between tissues or cells within an insect as the
The difference between the phenotypes resides
exclusively in the envelope and tegument regions of the
virion, and the nucleocapsid core is common to both
phenotypes (Rohrmann, 1992). Viral envelopes can be
removed using nonionic detergents without damaging
nucleocapsid structure or composition (Wilson & Con-
sigli, 1985a; Braunagel & Summers, 1994; Dobos &
Cochran, 1980; Stiles et al., 1983; Kelly & Lescott,
Immunochemistry-based techniques have been
used to demonstrate that each form of virion has dis-
tinct protein species (Volkman, 1983) and marked dif-
ferences in infectivity in vivo and in vitro (Keddie &
Volkman, 1985; Hink, 1982). BV gains entry to host
cells by adsorptive endocytosis (Volkman & Gold-
smith, 1985; Volkman et al., 1986). This form pos-
sesses an envelope glycoprotein, gp67 (Whitford et al.,
1989) which is important in infectivity: a monoclonal
antibody AcV1 can neutralize BV in vitro and in vivo
by binding gp67 (Hohmann & Faulkner, 1983; Volk-
man et al., 1984; Keddie & Volkman, 1985). Spike-like
features at the apical ends of BV called peplomers are
believed to be composed of multimeric gp67 (Volkman
& Knudson, 1986; Volkman, 1986). The gp67 protein
has a characteristic N-terminal signal sequence and a
C-terminal anchoring region that are common to trans-
membrane proteins (Whitford et al., 1989; Blissard &
Rohrmann, 1989), and the molecule may be further
stabilized in the membrane by covalently linked fatty
acids (Roberts & Faulkner, 1989).
By contrast, PDV enters insect epithelial cells by
fusion at the cell surface (Granados & Lawler, 1981).
Although spikes or prominent surface glycoproteins,
and molecules that could participate in adsorption,
fusion, and penetration have not been identified specif-
ically (see Rohrmann, 1992), a 25 kda peptide (Russell
& Rohrmann, 1993) and two other species, PDV-E66
and PDV-E43 (Braunagel & Summers, 1994; Hong et
al., 1994) were identified recently as constituents of the
PDV envelope. A major glycoprotein of PDV (gp41)
was detected in the tegument region of the virion (Whit-