NPV (SfNPV; Knell & Summers, 1981), S. exempta
MNPV (Brown et al., 1985), S. litura NPV (Maeda et
al., 1990) and Panolis flammea MNPV (Weitzman et
al., 1992). That baculovirus genomes can recombine
was initially demonstrated by Summers et al. (1980)
for AcMNPV and Rachiplusia ou NPV and also by
recombination between mutant strains of AcMNPV
(Carstens et al., 1987). Moreover the development of
baculoviruses as expression vectors is predicated on
homologous recombination between baculovirus and
transfer vector DNAs.
Of the many genomic changes that can occur some
are silent and provide no selective advantage, some
are lethal and, except under unusual circumstances,
would be eliminated with passage. Certain changes
could enhance replicative advantage so that the mutant
virus could outcompete the original genotype during
successive passages. A single nucleotide change which
alters a codon but not the corresponding amino acid
could, except for factors such as codon usage (Ayres
et al., 1994), have no effect. An alteration in a codon
leading to substitution of a different amino acid could
lead to proteins such as polyhedrin with altered struc-
ture (e.g., mutant M29 and M934, Carstens et al., 1987;
1992) or influence the activity of viral enzymes criti-
cal for viral replication such as the AcMNPV helicase
(Lu & Carstens, 1991). Other changes such as dele-
tions or insertions of DNA in an essential gene, could
alter the reading frame. If deletions are large enough,
entire genes could be eliminated. Another alteration
which could influence gene expression is reiteration of
viral DNA such as reported by Lu & Carstens (1990).
Those genotypic changes which enhance the replica-
tion ability in host cells, or insects will be amplified at
each passage and will eventually dominate the original
genotype. The outcome depends on the virus species
and genotype, the cell (species and tissue source of
cells in culture or in insects), the nature of the genotypic
changes (genes affected, source and location of DNA
insertions or deletions), the method of virus culture
(passage in insects, cells in suspension, monolayers or
bioreactors, frequency of transfer) and multiplicity of
infection (moi).
For AcMNPV and other baculoviruses there are
numerous isolates, strains, variants or mutants which
have been extensively analyzed to determine the nature
of the genotypic variations (Eraser, 1987; Kool et al.,
1991; Kool&Vlak, 1993; Xiong et al., 1991; Table 1).
Genotypic variation in the AcMNPV and other bac-
ulovirus genomes, include point mutations, both small
and large deletions and insertions, recombination and
reiterations. There may be hot spots for certain genom-
ic alterations such as insertions due to transposable ele-
ments or the deletions in the hypervariable DA26 gene
region (O’Reilly et al., 1990), but all regions of the
genome appear capable of variation. Some variations
such as transposon-mediated insertions occur readily
even under low passage number and low moi (Fraser
et al., 1985). Other variations occur under conditions
of genomic stress during prolonged passage (Kumar
& Miller, 1987; O’Reilly & Miller, 1990; Miller &
Miller, 1982; Friesen et al., 1986) or under high mul-
tiplicity passage (HMP) in flasks or bioreactors (Kool
et al., 1991).
Deletions of viral DNA occurs readily. For
example, the genomes of the majority of the 667
AcMNPVLl-X plaques analyzed by Kumar & Miller
(1987), after only 10 passages at an moi of 0.1, had
deletions of 0.7 kb in Pst1 G (335) or 0.05 kb in Pst1
I (321). Many other deletions ranging in size from 0.1
to 2.3 kb have been reported and some are summarized
in Table 1. Some deletions inactivate viral genes such
as the UDPecdysteroid glucosyltransferase gene (egt;
O’Reilly & Miller, 1990) and the DA26 gene (O’Reilly
et al., 1990). Since these mutants survive, neither gene
is essential for replication in cell culture. The DA26
deletion occurred after passage of AcMNPV through
Manduca sexta larvae suggesting that deletions can
also occur by passage in insects. One consequence of
the passage effect is that some of the genotypic changes
which arise through passage involve sequential and
cumulative deletions of viral DNA (Kool et al., 1991;
Cusack & McCarthy, 1989; Wickham et al., 1991; Lee
& Krell, 1992; 1994; Croizier et al., 1985; Figure 1)
resulting in major losses of the standard genome. Such
highly deleted genomes are released from the infect-
ed cells as particles referred to as defective interfering
particles (DIP; Huang & Baltimore, 1977). A deletion
of 55 kb occurs during replication of M5, an AcM-
NPV PIB morphology mutant (Carstens, 1982; 1987)
and in the generation of AcMNPV DIP in a bioreac-
tor (Kool et al., 1991). Since DIP lack many essential
genes they cannot independently infect cells. Howev-
er, at HMP both DIP and helper virus can co-infect the
same cell allowing the DIP genome to replicate and
be expressed at the expense of the helper virus (Roux
et al., 1991; Bangham & Kirkwood, 1990). Moreover
the DIP concentration increases relative to the original
parental strain (wild type virus or recombinant virus)
and the virus titre and foreign gene expression would
decline with each passage (MacKinnon et al., 1974; De
Grooijer et al., 1992; Kompier et al., 1988; van Lier et