basic DNA binding protein (P6.9) as only the non-
phosphorylated form of P6.9 is found associated with
mature nucleocapsids (Tweeten et al., 1980a; Tweet-
en et al., 1980b) (see previous discussion). Nothing
is known regarding the mechanism that determines
whether nucleocapsids migrate to the plasma mem-
brane (for budding and production of BV) or remain
within the nucleus for subsequent envelopment and
occlusion there.
The very late phase of infection is characterized by
the reduction or cessation of transcription from many
late genes, and the so-called hyper-expression of very
late genes such as the occlusion body protein (Poly-
hedrin) (Hooft et al., 1983) and a protein involved in
the occlusion process, P10 (Kuzio et al., 1984; Leisy et
al., 1986; Van-Oers et al., 1994; Zuidema et al., 1993).
In the very late phase, the occlusion body protein
associates with, and subsequently crystallizes around
enveloped virions within the nucleus. This occlusion
process appears to be completed by the addition of a
protein-carbohydrate “envelope structure” (containing
the polyhedral envelope protein; PEP, or PP34) around
the occlusion body (Gombart et al., 1989; Rohrmann,
1992; Whitt & Manning, 1988) (Figure 2). The mat-
uration and release of occlusion bodies from infect-
ed cells requires the very late protein P10. Very late
in infection, fibrillar structures that contain P10 form
in both cytoplasm and nucleus. Deletion of the P10
gene, while not lethal, results in several major effects:
defective addition of the “envelope” to the occlusion
body, impaired nuclear disintegration, and defective
cell lysis (Van-Oers et al., 1993; Van-Oers et al., 1994;
Williams et al., 1989). Thus, in AcMNPV viruses lack-
ing a functional P10, polyhedra are not released from
infected cells by normal cell lysis, and polyhedra pro-
duced from these viruses are fragile and sensitive to
disruption by physical stress.
Molecular and cellular responses to infection
At the molecular level, very little is known regard-
ing the variety of responses of the insect cell to inva-
sion by baculoviruses. However, in the past few years
discoveries of viral responses to host cell defenses
have provided a fascinating picture of the virus-cell
interplay. One cellular response that has received con-
siderable recent attention is apoptosis. Apoptosis, or
“Programmed Cell Death,” is a mechanism that mul-
ticellular organisms utilize to regulate development of
tissues, and to eliminate damaged or diseased cells. In
diseased or damaged cells, apoptosis is often associ-
ated with cellular detection of either metabolic distur-
bances, single stranded DNA, or damaged DNA. The
characteristic symptoms of apoptosis include cellular
shrinkage, chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmen-
tation, chromosomal DNA degradation into oligonu-
cleosomal length fragments, and extensive “blebbing”
and pinching of vesicles into the medium. Upon infec-
tion by viruses, many cell types appear to be capable
of inducing a cascade leading to apoptosis, as a defen-
sive measure (Vaux et al., 1994). In many cases, viral
invasion of mammalian cells results in the induction of
p53, the tumor suppressor gene that appears to induce
or facilitate apoptosis. As an “evolutionary respon-
se” to host cell apoptosis, many viruses carry genes
that encode inhibitors of apoptosis. Viruses known to
encode functional inhibitors of apoptosis include Ade-
novirus, SV40, Papillomavirus, Cowpox Virus, and
Baculovirus. In some cases, viral inhibitors of apop-
tosis are known to function by directly inactivating
a cellular protein that induces apoptosis. Adenovirus
E1B55kD and SV40 large T antigen are examples of
viral proteins that functionally inactivate mammalian
P53. Viral proteins may also inhibit apoptosis by bind-
ing to and inactivating proteins within the cell death
pathway. The Cowpox virus crmA gene product has
been shown to bind and inactivate Interleukin–1 Beta
Converting Enzyme (ICE), a protein in the apoptosis
cascade. In yet other cases, viral inhibitors of apop-
tosis resemble normal cellular inhibitors of apopto-
sis. Epstein-Barr Virus and African Swine Fever Virus
encode proteins that resemble the B-cell lymphoma–
2 gene product (BCL–2), a (mammalian) cellular
inhibitor of apoptosis.
The induction of apoptosis in baculovirus-infected
insect cells was first observed in insect Sf21 cells
infected with an AcMNPV virus lacking a function-
al p35 gene (Clem et al., 1991). In this case, induc-
tion of apoptosis appears to be cell-type specific, as
similar effects were not observed in TN–368 cells.
Subsequent studies confirmed that the baculovirus P35
protein inhibits apoptosis in baculovirus infected cells
(Clem et al., 1991; Clem & Miller, 1993; Clem &
Miller, 1994a; Clem & Miller, 1994b; Hershberger et
al., 1992) and will also inhibit programmed cell death
in Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans,
and mammalian cell lines (Beidler et al., 1995; Hay
et al., 1994; Rabizadeh et al., 1993; Sugimoto et al.,
1994). Although baculovirus P35 will inhibit apop-
tosis in these heterologous systems, the mammalian
bcl–2 gene product cannot substitute for P35 in bac-