coupled to computer-based readout and analysis systems (Collins 1999). Does the
range of expertise needed to function in these areas mean that subject specialisms will
disappear in future? I don’t think so. But it does mean that subject specialists are almost
certain to have to work in teams, with a proper appreciation of the other person’s/
subject’s strengths and weaknesses.
The strength of the physicist’s approach is that it looks for overarching themes, such
as gravity, thermodynamics, quantum and statistical mechanics, and relativity, which
have immense generality and thus condition our ways of thinking. Experimental phys-
icists are adept at discovering and developing new instruments, at least in prototype
form, and these can completely change our perception of what is observable and inter-
esting. The most obvious example described here is the development of the various
types of microscope (TEM, FIM, STM, etc., described in chapter 3) and their appli-
cation to the study of kinetic processes described in chapter 5. Physicists are also good
(but not uniquely so) at making simple models of such processes, provided they remem-
ber the quote from Einstein used by Pettifor (1995) ‘as simple as possible, but not
simpler’. Other disciplines are fond of quoting a joke against physicists, asked to make
a model of a racehorse, who start off ‘imagine a spherical lump of muscle’ and go on
to talk about symmetry breaking, which leads to the production of a head, a tail and
four legs. There are many variants on this theme; such an approach can lead to a rep-
utation for arrogance which is counterproductive.
Chemists see themselves as centrally positioned in science, the guardians of the peri-
odic table, and the makers of new molecules par excellence. Historically this is indeed
the case, and it remains so, though perhaps less celebrated, to the present. In my expe-
rience, a training in chemistry results in the ability to assimilate huge numbers of facts,
often apparently unrelated, and then to try to make sense of them within whichever
model is to hand. Quantum chemistry is a great success on the theoretical side, even if
it must be annoying that sometimes the Nobel prizes for chemistry end up in the hands
of people trained as mathematicians and physicists, as happened in 1998, noted here
in chapters 6 and 7 and in the corresponding appendices J and K.
In parallel, experimental synthetic chemists try out large numbers of combinations
of reactions to produce new molecules, which includes new synthetic materials
and/or drugs, thus overlapping with materials scientists or biochemists, some of
which was described in section 8.4. Coupled with this is an ability to spot the main
chance: to decide an area is going nowhere and to move on to something more pro-
ductive, which is an ability that more introspective scientists sometimes lack. This is
of course not unique to chemists, but a chemists’ training seems to encourage it. Thus
it is perhaps not surprising that chemists, as much as engineers, are key to the pro-
duction of electronic devices by the various forms of CVD, described here briefly in
section 2.5, which is the main technology behind most of the semiconductor devices
discussed in chapters 7 and 8. This technology is very largely empirically based, but
functions continuously on a massive scale, and remains a challenge to analytical
science and to process modeling. Chemists play similar roles in catalysis-based tech-
nologies in the petrochemical and related industry, indicated briefly in sections 2.4
and 4.5.
300 9 Postscript – where do we go from here?