Appendix J
An outline of local density
Although we introduced density functional theory (DFT) in section 6.1 in the context
of Lang and Kohn’s work on metal surfaces, the concept itself is much broader. It con-
sists of setting up a general single particle method to solve the Schrödinger equation
for the ground state of a many electron system by: (1) showing that the equation can
be solved variationally to give an upper bound to the energy of the system expressed
in terms of the electron density n(r), sometimes written
(r); this theorem was intro-
duced by Hohenberg & Kohn (1964); and (2) proposing practical schemes whereby this
theorem can be implemented as an iterative computational method, starting from a set
of approximate wave functions describing the ground state of the electron system. The
main non-relativistic scheme in use is due to Kohn & Sham (1965). The pervasiveness
of these methods was recognized in 1998 by the award of the Nobel prize for chemis-
try to Walter Kohn (Levi 1998).
Writing down too many equations specifically here will take too much space, and
may encourage the reader to believe that the method is simpler than it actually is. Some
of the key review articles have been cited in sections 6.1.2 and 7.1.3. So many words
have already be spilt on the topic, the methods are so widespread, and yet no-one can
give a measure of just how good an approximation DFT represents, or say categori-
cally whether further developments such as GGA necessarily improve matters, that
there is no sense in which I should try to confuse you further. Nonetheless, this is a
good topic for an (ongoing) student project, and figure 6.1 was produced by Ben Saubi
from the original Lang and Kohn output data tables.
The DFT method is based on three coupled equations, and auxiliary ‘orbitals’
which are othogonal to each other, but should not be confused with the real (many
body) wavefunctions of the system. The energy E is expressed as the sum of the electro-
static energy due to the external potential and a functional F[n(r)] of the electron density
n(r) at vector position in the material r. This functional is written as a sum of the kinetic
energy T[n(r)], the Coulomb self-energy of the electrons, expressed as the product
(r), which
is integrated over the space d
r, and the exchange-correlation term
(r) is the electrostatic potential provided by all the other electrons. This potential is subject to the
consistency check provided by Poisson’s equation
n(r)⫽0. Don’t try to check the units, since
most theoretical papers use ‘atomic’ units, in which ប, e and m have all been set equal to 1.