2.7 Consequences of Protein Machines Based on the Inverse Temperature Transitions
domain to cause the association to "open", that
to dissociate. The cleft acts like a conduit
directing the thirst of the phosphate for hydra-
tion in both directions to disrupt hydrophobic
associations. The cleft is shown from several
ferent vantage points in Figures 8.58 and
8.59 and further discussed in their associated
In Chapter
more structural background and
molecular details of contraction exhibited by the
linear myosin II motor are considered after, in
Chapter 5, the physical basis for the apolar
(oil-like)-polar (vinegar-like) repulsive energy
that controls hydrophobic association is experi-
mentally and analytically developed. The crystal
structures of the cross-bridge of scallop muscle
provide remarkable examples of the consilient
mechanism functioning in this protein-based
2.7 Consequences of Protein
Machines Based on the Inverse
Temperature Transitions
We again draw comparison by quoting from
Schrodinger's What is Life! as published in
"What I wish to make clear in this last
chapter is, in short, that from all that we have
learnt about the structure of living matter, we
must be prepared to find it working in a manner
that cannot be reduced to the ordinary laws of
physics."^^ In the present volume, our founda-
of course, the somewhat counterintuitive
inverse temperature transition. It is by means
of the inverse temperature transition that the
energies essential to sustain Life can, in fact, be
accessed. This efficient consilient mechanism,
however, requires no new laws of physics. In
fact, the seeds of this mechanism are found in
a 1937 report of Butler,^^ in which he analyzed
the thermodynamic elements of the solubility
of oil-like groups in water.
The essential aspect of the capacity of the
inverse temperature transition to achieve
diverse energy conversions resides within large
chain molecules, which were just becoming
known when the first edition of Schrodinger's
book appeared. As we have sketched above, the
functional properties of the model protein-
based machines result from the interaction
between hydrophobic (oil-like) and hydrophilic
(vinegar-like) groups constrained to occur in
unique sequence along the chain molecule,
which combines with the capacity of vinegar-
like functional groups to shift between being
more vinegar-like and more oil-like.
The special effectiveness of proteins com-
pared with all other known chain molecules
arises from biology's capacity accurately to
produce diverse sequences. As for accuracy, the
error in placing the correct amino acid residue
at the specified sequence position depends on
the ability to delineate one R-group from
another at the stage of attachment to t-RNA
(see Chapter 4).^^ In general, the error is
remarkably small. It is also very important that
all of the residues be of the correct optical con-
figuration,"^^ as random mixing of mirror images
of amino acid residues would destroy structure
with the consequence of eliminating reliable
function (see the paragraphs on Pasteur and
mirror image molecules in section 3.1.6 of
Chapter 3).
These features of protein polymers result in
regular, nonrandom structures, which, as will be
shown later, are the reason for efficient energy
conversion. As for diversity, theoretically each
position in the sequence can be any one of 20
different amino acid residues. Again very sig-
nificantly, the protein sequence is specified
by the nucleic acid sequence and not by the
energetics within the sequence of a particular
protein. In this way, a sequence that would
normally be highly improbable becomes just as
probable as any other sequence. (Improbabili-
ties would otherwise arise by virtue of being a
single sequential arrangement of amino acids
among an inordinate number of possible
arrangements of the same collection of amino
acids and because of unfavorable interaction
energies between the R-groups and thus being
of high energy.) Of course, much energy has
been spent in producing the "improbable"
sequence, as discussed further in Chapter 4.
Production of unique and improbable
sequences might have been one place where
the far-from-equilibrium arguments of Pri-
gogine could have come into play. Order is
indeed achieved out of chaos, but it occurs at a