9. Advanced Materials for the Future
ment sites for the natural cells and a compU-
ance that matches the natural tissue.
Elastic protein-based polymers have been
designed both to provide cell attachment sites
and to exhibit the required elastic modulus of
the tissue to be replaced. Thus, this introduces
the potential to design temporary functional
scaffoldings with the capacity to be remodeled,
while functioning, into a natural tissue by the
natural cells of the tissue.
Furthermore, the elastic protein-based mate-
rials themselves have been designed to perform
the set of energy conversions that occur in
living organisms and, in particular, to convert
mechanical energy into chemical signals of the
sort that could provide the stimuH to turn on
the genes for producing the required extracel-
lular matrix. The Key Property of Cellular
Mechano-chemical Transduction
A fundamental property of cells is that they
take instruction from the mechanical forces
to which they are subjected and produce that
extracellular matrix sufficient to sustain those
forces. Evidence for this capacity of cells goes
back more than two decades to the work of
Leung et al.^^ but has more recently been called
cellular tensegrity following more detailed char-
acterization with techniques of modern molec-
ular biology.^^"^"^ An understanding of how this
can occur lies in the design of elastic protein-
based polymers capable of demonstrating
mechano-chemical transduction. The classic
demonstration of a mechanical energy input
resulting in a chemical energy output (i.e.,
mechano-chemical transduction) by elastic
protein-based polymers is found in the experi-
mental result of stretch-induced pKa shifts (i.e.,
pumping protons) in Chapter 5, Figure 5.23.
Figure 9.21 exemplifies the nexus between
cellular mechano-chemical transduction and
elastic protein-based polymers containing cell
attachment sequences that enables these
temporary functional scaffoldings to result in
restoration of natural
Figure 9.21 A shows
in the absence of cell attachment sequences that
the elastic matrix X^^-poly(GVGVP) does not
support attachment of
On inclusion of cell
attachment sequences, as in the chemically syn-
thesized X'^-poly[40(GVGVP),(GRGDSP)],
ligamentum nuchae fibroblasts attach, spread,
and grow to confluence. The micrograph in
Figure 9.21B shows the edge of the plated
area; growth to confluence is complete using
X2^-poly[20(GVGVP),(GRGDSP)], as shown
elsewhere (see Figure 5 of Nicol et
Because of the cell attachments, the effect of
stretching the elastic matrix is to stretch the
cytoskeletal fibers and possibly the integrin
receptors in the membrane, as depicted in the
top and side views of the relaxed (Figure 9.21C)
and stretched (Figure 9.21D) states. Mechani-
cal stretching of the elastic cytoskeletal fibers,
in our concept of mechano-chemical transduc-
tion demonstrated in Figure 5.23, results in
the uptake of protons or, perhaps more to the
point, the release of phosphate (even mechan-
ically driven phosphorylation). Thus chemical
energy output becomes the chemical signal that
directs the nucleus to turn on the appropriate
genes for production of an extracellular matrix
sufficient to sustain the dynamic mechanical
forces sensed in this manner by the cells. The
test of this concept in tissue restoration is
shown below in the simulated urinary bladder
experiment (see Figures 9.36 and 9.37 and
related text, below). Prevention of Postsurgical and
Post-trauma Adhesions
Prevention of adhesions is included within
the application of soft tissue restoration as the
purpose is indeed to restore a soft tissue site to
the normal state that preceded the operation or
other trauma. The several examples discussed
below include abdominal, eye, and spinal soft
tissue sites. Abdominal Sites (Emphasis
to Function in a Bloodied,
Contaminated Site)
As shown in Figure 9.22A for the control site,
in this model the abdominal wall is scraped
until it bleeds; a loop of proximal intestine is
punctured until it bleeds and exudes feces; a
loose suture brings the two injured surfaces
into proximity and is tied off in such a manner