9. Advanced Materials for the Future
Model Protein A': (GVGVP)25i
Model Protein A: [(GVGVP)ioGVGVPGRG
Model Protein B: (GVGVP)io(GVGi^\P)8
Model Protein i: (GVGVP GVGVP GEGVP
Model Protein x': (GVGVP GVGVP GKGVP
The upper part of Figure 9.12 utiUzes
protein per well. Lane 1 is the positive control
obtained from the lysate of the E. coli strain
used to produce the model proteins. Lane 2
contains molecular weight markers. Lanes 3
through 6 are Model Proteins A', x', A, and B,
respectively, and lanes 7 through 10 are nega-
tive controls, in this case unused wells. At the
concentration of
5 jiig
protein per well, no impu-
rities are observed with these model proteins
purified solely by three phase separation cycles.
This allows the statement that the impurities
are less than
When the dot blot technique is used, as much
mg of protein is placed in each well dot, and
the total protein is tested for a visible immuno-
genic reaction. No visible dot means that the
impurities are less than 5ppb. Lanes
8, contain Model Proteins A', A, B, and x',
respectively. In Lanes
and 8, the top two
dots contain Img, whereas the bottom two
dots contain 0.1 mg; thus the effect of a 10-fold
dilution can be seen. Lanes 2 and 10 are the
negative and the positive controls, respectively,
showing the experiment to be working well. On
further purification of Model Proteins A', A, B,
and x', as shown in lanes 3, 5, 7, and 9, respec-
tively, no spot can be detected. This means
that purification of the model proteins has
been obtained to the level where impurities
detectable by the Western immunodotblot
technique are less than 5ppb. Subcutaneous Injection in
the Guinea Pig
Having established the extraordinary biocom-
patibility of poly (GVGVP), as reviewed above,
it becomes possible to use the chemically
synthesized poly(GVGVP) to determine the
extent of purification required of the micro-
bially prepared polymer (GVGVP)25i. Ac-
cordingly, 30 mg of the product resulting
from three cycles of phase separation to purify
(GVGVP)25i was injected subcutaneously in
the guinea pig. The result shown in Figure
9.13 demonstrates a substantial inflammatory
response. Clearly based on our previous knowl-
edge of the biocompatibility of chemically syn-
thesized poly(GVGVP), three cycles of phase
separation did not sufficiently remove the E.
coli impurities.
Further purification beyond three cycles of
phase separation with Model Protein i, above
and as defined in Table 5.5, resulted in the most
remarkable demonstration of biocompatibility.
As demonstrated in Figure 9.14, the subcuta-
neous injection of 30mg in the guinea pig, when
examined at 2 weeks, left no trace of having
been present. This was the case at four differ-
ent sites.^^ Such a result provides the most
demanding test of purification. All of the impu-
rities in the 30 mg sample had been released to
the host, and yet there was no trace of its having
been present. In fact, based on the formation of
the subcutaneous "bump" and its essential dis-
appearance within several days, it would seem
that all of the impurities were released in a few
days without an inflammatory response having
been elicited. This we take to be the "gold stan-
dard" for demonstrating the desired level of
purification. Entropic Elasticity as a Barrier
to Antigenicity of Elastic
Protein-based Polymers The Natural Anticipation of Foreign
Protein as Antigenic
Historically, foreign proteins have been recog-
nized as some of the most potent antigens.
Because of this, it is simply to be expected that
protein-based polymers would be antigenic.
The mammalian elastic fiber, however, has
generally been considered to be of low anti-
genicity. Thus, the expectation for repeating
sequences from the mammalian elastic protein,
such as (GVGVP)n, was that antigenicity would
be low. In pursuing medical uses growing out
of the development of the elastic protein-
based polymers, we had fully expected that