9.2 Production of Protein-based Polymers
polymer having a random mix of the same
composition of pentamers, namely, poly
[(GEGYF),2(GyGFF),(GFGFF)y' Therefore,
sequence has fundamental consequence. No
wonder biology pays such a high price for the
control of sequence, as detailed in Chapter 4. Chemical Synthesis Provided Proof
of Biocompatibility as the Product Had No
Microbial Contaminants
Only because the remarkable biocompatibility
of chemically synthesized poly(GVGVP) was
already known was there adequate impetus
to purify microbially prepared (GVGVP)25i.
Otherwise, it would have been presumed, as
had been widely expected, that the toxicity of
inadequately purified (GVGVP)25i was an
inherent property of the protein-based
polymer. To be left in such a state of misunder-
standing would have meant that the dramatic
potential of elastic protein-based polymers for
use in medical appHcations would be neither
appreciated nor realized. The inflammatory
response ehcited by an inadequately purified
biosynthetic elastic protein-based polymer
would have overwhelmed most considered
medical applications.
Our research utilizing chemical synthesis of
repeating peptide sequences is represented
in over 170 scientific publications. It utilized
classic solution synthesis and to a much lesser
extent solid phase methods. The primary focus
in all cases has been development of an under-
standing relevant to structure, function, and
mechanism rather than development of syn-
thetic methodologies, although some of the
latter did indeed occur principally due to the
expert capacities of T. Ohnishi, K. Okamoto,
R. Rapaka, K.U. Prasad, T.R Parker, and D.C.
Gowda. Here we note a few issues relevant to
the production of protein-based polymers, that
of polymers composed of repeating peptide
sequences. Classic Solution Methods
for Chemical Synthesis of
Repeating Sequences
A principal concern during chemical synthesis
is racemization, the formation of some amino
acid residues of the D-configuration rather
than maintaining only the L-configuration. The
result of only L-amino acid residues in the
expressed protein, of course, results from
protein synthesis by means of the genetic code
and recombinant DNA technology. (See Figure
3.3 and the associated text in Chapter 3 to
review the mirror image relationship between
L- and D-amino acid residues and to appreciate
the consequences relating to structure and
function.) In particular, during the chemical
activation of the carboxyl group of an amino
acid and its subsequent reaction with an amino
function of another amino acid, the amino acid
residue with the activated carboxyl can racem-
some D-amino acid residues become
incorporated into the growing chain with a
consequence of structural disruption like that
schematically represented in Figure 3.3C.
There are two ways to avoid recemization
during chemical synthesis. One way is to rely at
critical steps on the glycine (Gly, G) residue,
which with two hydrogens on the a-carbon
does not form mirror images. Therefore, for G,
there is no consequence of interchanging posi-
tions of the a-carbon substituents during acti-
vation and reaction. The second way is to rely
on the prohne (Pro, P) residue in which the
bridging of the R-group, -CH2-CH2-CH2-,
between a-carbon and nitrogen atom of the
same residue limits racemization. Accordingly,
with repeating units containing G and P, which
are critical residues in the repeating sequences
of elastic protein-based polymers, the strategy
is to build the repeating unit with a G or P at
its carboxyl terminus and to utilize crystalliza-
tion to remove component peptide sequences
that contain racemized residues.
The build-up strategy for the GVGVP or
VPGVG repeating unit is a 2 x 3 strategy. First
the dipeptide VP is synthesized and crystallized
to form pure dimer containing only L-amino
acid residues. Then the GVG tripeptide is syn-
thesized and also crystallized to result in pure
GVG containing only L-valine (Val, V). The
dipeptide can be added to the tripeptide to
form VPGVG, or the tripeptide can be added
to the dipeptide to form the pentamer GVGVP.
Both pentapeptides have either the required
G or the required P to prevent racemization