Vacuum Measurement
Fundamentals of Vacuum Technology
3.5.5 Examples of applications
with diaphragm
1) Regulation of a drying/distillation pro-
cess, taking into account the maximum
water vapor tolerance of a vane type
rotary pump
In a drying process it is frequently desira-
ble to carry out drying solely by means of
vacuum pumps without inserting conden-
sers. In view of the limited water vapor
tolerance of vacuum pumps – approx.
30 mbar as a rule – this would result in
condensation of the vapors produced wit-
hin the vacuum pump, given non-throttled
or non-regulated pumping speed. One can
avoid this through process-dependent
remote control of a diaphragm controller
with auxiliary control valves and a measu-
ring and switching device with a pressure
sensor at the inlet connection of the vacu-
um pump if the intake pressure is adapted
to the pumps water vapor tolerance
through automatic monitoring of the inta-
ke pressure of the vacuum pump and by
throttling the pumping speed. Fig. 3.30
shows the principle of this arrangement.
Mode of operation: Starting from atmos-
pheric pressure with the process heating
switched off, valve V1 is initially open
(maximum switching point exceeded) so
that atmospheric pressure also prevails in
the reference chamber.
The diaphragm controller is therefore clo-
sed. When the system is started up, the
connecting line between the vacuum pump
and pump valve V2 is first evacuated. As
soon as the pressure drops below the
maximum switching point, valve V1 clo-
ses. When the pressure falls below the
minimum switching point, valve V2 opens.
In this manner the pressure in the referen-
ce chamber is slowly lowered, the thrott-
ling of the diaphragm controller is reduced
accordingly and thus the process pressure
is lowered until the quantity of process gas
is greater than the quantity conveyed by
the pump so that the minimum switching
point is again exceeded. Valve V2 closes
again. This interaction repeats itself until
the pressure in the process chamber has
dropped below the minimum switching
point. After that, valve V2 remains open so
that the process can be brought down to
the required final pressure with a comple-
tely open diaphragm controller.
The material to be dried is usually heated
to intensify and speed up the drying pro-
cess. If a certain amount of water vapor is
produced, the intake pressure rises above
the two switching points. As a result, valve
V2 first closes and V1 opens. Through
incoming air or protective gas the pressu-
re in the reference chamber is raised and
the throughput at the diaphragm controller
thus throttled until the intake pressure of
the vacuum pump has dropped below the
set maximum switching point again. Then
valve V1 closes.
Depending on the quantity of vapor that
accumulates, the throughput of the
diaphragm controller is set by increasing
or decreasing the reference pressure in
each case so that the maximum permissi-
ble partial water vapor pressure at the inlet
connection of the vacuum pump is never
As soon as the pressure in the process
chamber drops below the set minimum
switching point towards the end of the dry-
ing process, valve V2 opens and remains
open. In this way the unthrottled cross-
section of the diaphragm controller is avai-
lable again for rapid final drying. At the
same time the final drying procedure can
be monitored by means of the pressure
sensor PS.
2) Pressure regulation by means of dia-
phragm controller with external
automatic reference pressure adjust-
ment (see Fig. 3.31)
For automatic vacuum processes with
regulated process pressure, presetting of
the desired set pressure must often func-
tion and be monitored automatically. If a
diaphragm controller is used, this can be
done by equipping the reference chamber
with a measuring and switching device and
a control valve block at the reference
chamber. The principle of this arrange-
ment is shown in Fig. 3.31.
Mode of operation: Starting with atmos-
pheric pressure, gas inlet valve V1 is clo-
sed at the beginning of the process. Pump
valve V2 opens. The process chamber is
now evacuated until the set pressure,
which is preset at the measuring and swit-
ching device, is reached in the process
chamber and in the reference chamber.
When the pressure falls below the set swit-
ching threshold, pump valve V2 closes. As
a result, the pressure value attained is
“caught” as the reference pressure in the
reference chamber (RC) of the diaphragm
controller (DC). Now the process pressure
is automatically maintained at a constant
level according to the set reference pres-
sure by means of the diaphragm controller
(DC). If the reference pressure should rise
in the course of the process due to a leak,
this is automatically detected by the mea-
suring and switching device and corrected
by briefly opening pump valve V2. This
additional control function enhances the
operational reliability and extends the
range of application. Correcting the increa-
sed reference pressure to the originally set
value is of special interest for regulated
helium circuits because the pressure rise
in the reference chamber (RC) of the dia-
phragm controller can be compensated for
through this arrangement as a consequen-
ce of the unavoidable helium permeability
of the controller diaphragm of FPM.
To be able to change the reference pressu-
re and thus increase the process pressure
to higher pressures, a gas inlet valve must
be additionally installed at the process
chamber. This valve is opened by means of
a differential pressure switch (not shown
in Fig. 3.31) when the desired higher pro-
cess pressure exceeds the current process
pressure by more than the pressure diffe-
rential set at the differential pressure
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