Vacuum Measurement
Fundamentals of Vacuum Technology
The pressure reading of the measuring
instrument depends on the type of gas.
The scales of these pressure measuring
instruments are always based on air or
nitrogen as the test gas. For other gases or
vapors correction factors, usually based
on air or nitrogen, must be given (see
Table 3.2). For precise pressure measure-
ment with indirectly measuring vacuum
gauges that determine the number density
through the application of electrical energy
(indirect pressure measurement), it is
important to know the gas composition. In
practice, the gas composition is known
only as a rough approximation. In many
cases, however, it is sufficient to know
whether light or heavy molecules predomi-
nate in the gas mixture whose pressure is
to be measured (e.g. hydrogen or pump
fluid vapor molecules).
Example: If the pressure of a gas essenti-
ally consisting of pump fluid molecules is
measured with an ionization vacuum
gauge, then the pressure reading (applying
to air or N
), as shown in Table 3.2, is too
high by a factor of about 10.
Measurement of pressures in the rough
vacuum range can be carried out relatively
precisely by means of vacuum gauges with
direct pressure measurement. Measure-
ment of lower pressures, on the other
hand, is almost always subject to a num-
ber of fundamental errors that limit the
measuring accuracy right from the start so
that it is not comparable at all to the
degree of accuracy usually achieved with
measuring instruments. In order to mea-
sure pressure in the medium and high
vacuum ranges with a measurement
uncertainty of less than 50 %, the person
conducting the experiment must proceed
with extreme care. Pressure measure-
ments that need to be accurate to a few
percent require great effort and, in general,
the deployment of special measuring
instruments. This applies particularly to all
pressure measurements in the ultrahigh
vacuum range (p < 10
To be able to make a meaningful statement
about a pressure indicated by a vacuum
gauge, one first has to take into account at
what location and in what way the measu-
ring system is connected. In all pressure
areas where laminar flows prevail
(1013 > p > 10
mbar), note must be
taken of pressure gradients caused by
pumping. Immediately in front of the
pump (as seen from the vessel), a lower
pressure is created than in the vessel. Even
components having a high conductance
may create such a pressure gradient.
Finally, the conductance of the connecting
line between the vacuum system and the
measuring system must not be too small
because the line will otherwise be evacua-
ted too slowly in the pressure region of
laminar flow so that the indicated pressure
is too high.
The situation is more complicated in the
case of high and ultrahigh vacuum.
According to the specific installation fea-
tures, an excessively high pressure or, in
the case of well-degassed measuring
tubes, an excessively low pressure may be
recorded due to outgassing of the walls of
the vacuum gauge or inadequate degas-
sing of the measuring system. In high and
ultrahigh vacuum, pressure equalization
between the vacuum system and the mea-
suring tubes may take a long time. If pos-
sible, so-called nude gauges are used. The
latter are inserted directly in the vacuum
system, flange-mounted, without a
connecting line or an envelope. Special
consideration must always be given to the
influence of the measuring process itself
on the pressure measurement. For exam-
ple, in ionization vacuum gauges that work
with a hot cathode, gas particles, especial-
ly those of the higher hydrocarbons, are
thermally broken down. This alters the gas
composition. Such effects play a role in
connection with pressure measurement in
the ultrahigh vacuum range. The same
applies to gas clean-up in ionization vacu-
um gauges, in particular Penning gauges
(of the order of 10
to 10
l/s). Contami-
nation of the measuring system, interfe-
ring electrical and magnetic fields, insula-
tion errors and inadmissibly high ambient
temperatures falsify pressure measure-
ment. The consequences of these avoida-
ble errors and the necessary remedies are
indicated in the discussion of the individu-
al measuring systems and in summary
form in section 8.4.
Selection of vacuum gauges
The desired pressure range is not the only
factor considered when selecting a suita-
ble measuring instrument. The operating
conditions under which the gauge works
also play an important role. If measure-
ments are to be carried out under difficult
operating conditions, i.e. if there is a high
risk of contamination, vibrations in the
tubes cannot be ruled out, air bursts can
be expected, etc., then the measuring
instrument must be robust. In industrial
facilities, Bourdon gauges, diaphragm
vacuum gauges, thermal conductivity
vacuum gauges, hot cathode ionization
vacuum gauges and Penning vacuum gau-
ges are used. Some of these measuring
instruments are sensitive to adverse ope-
rating conditions. They should and can
only be used successfully if the above
mentioned sources of errors are excluded
as far as possible and the operating
instructions are followed.
Given the presence Correction factor
of predominantly based on N
(type of gas) (nitrogen = 1)
He 6.9
Ne 4.35
Ar 0.83
Kr 0.59
Xe 0.33
Hg 0.303
CO 0.92
hydrocarbons 0.1 – 0.4
Table 3.2 Correction factors
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