the simple circular shape of individual veto players. The first goal of this chapter was to find a
simple approximation of decisions under majority and qualified majority.
I calculated the wincircle of a collective veto player, that is a circle that contains the
winset of the status quo by majority rule.
According to my calculations, policy stability
decreases if the actors involved in a decision are collective veto players as opposed to individual
ones. Collective veto players may reach outcomes when individual ones cannot agree. This may
be the case with US institutions, where disagreements among members of the House and among
Senators may provide the necessary room for compromises while individual decisionmakers
(let’s say rigid parties controlling the majority of each chamber) would not be able to agree.
I replicated these calculations for qualified majority decisionmaking and calculated the q-
wincircle of the status quo.
According to expectations the q-wincircle shrinks as the required
majority increases. In addition, the q-wincircle changes with the location of the status quo.
As a result of these calculations, I am able to replace collective veto players by fictitious
individual ones and use the wincircles of the latter to discuss policy stability. However these
circles provide the necessary but not sufficient conditions for an outcome to defeat the status
quo. Indeed, all points outside a wincircle or a q-wincircle are defeated by SQ, but not every
point inside these circles defeats SQ. The approximation of the winset of the status quo by
For simple majority decisionmaking I used previous analyses by Ferejohn et. al. (1984) who identified the yolk of
a collectivity deciding by majority rule as the smallest circle intersecting all the median lines, that is, lines that have
majorities on both sides of them. The center of the yolk Y is centrally located inside the collective veto player. One
can think of it as the closest approximation to a multidimensional median. The radius of the yolk is a measure of
dispersion of the members of the collectivity: a small radius means that the preferences are either concentrated or
symmetrically distributed. In general the radius of the yolk decreases as the number of member of members of a
collective veto player increases. I demonstrated that collective veto players will accept alternatives to SQ only if
these alternatives are located inside a circle (Y, d+2r) where Y is the center of the yolk, r is the radius of the yolk
and d is the distance YSQ.
I identified the relevant q-dividers (the lines that leave a qualified majority q on one side of them and the status
quo on the other). I considered the smallest circle that intersects all relevant q-dividers. I called this circle the q-
circle with center Q and radius q. I demonstrated that the qualified majority winset of the status quo is located inside
a circle (Q, d’+2q) where Q and q are the center and radius of the q-circle, and d’ is the distance QSQ. These
statements become more concrete if one refers to Figure 2.7.