As the radius of the yolk increases (m-cohesion decreases) the wincircle of the collective
veto player increases. While it is not always the case that an increased wincircle will entail an
increase in the size of the winset of the status quo,
since there are no points that can defeat SQ
outside the wincircle, when the wincircle shrinks policy stability increases.
CONJECTURE 2.1: Policy stability increases as the m-cohesion of a collective veto
player increases (as the radius of the yolk decreases)
It is interesting to note that on the average r decreases as the size of (number of
individuals composing) the collective veto player increases. This is a counterintuitive result. The
reason that it happens is that additional points are going to replace some of the previously
existing median lines by others more centrally located. As far as I know, there is not a closed
solution to the problem, but computer simulations have indicated that this is the case under a
variety of conditions (Koehler 1990). This is why I will use again the term conjecture.
CONJECTURE 2.2: An increase in size of (number of individuals composing) a
collective veto player (ceteris paribus) increases its m-cohesion (decreases the size of its yolk),
and consequently increases policy stability.
I will not test the conjectures related to the cohesion of collective veto players in this
book. As far as I know, there are no systematic data on internal cohesion of parties in
parliamentary regimes. Even in the U.S. where the positions of different members of Congress
can be constructed on the basis of scores provided by different interest groups, the different
methods raise methodological controversies.
Once such controversies are settled, if one can use
voting records in legislatures to identify policy positions of individual MPs, such data would be
In fact, one can construct counter examples where the winset increases as the wincircle shrinks Think for example
of the following two situations: In the first, a triangle ABC and SQ is located on A. In this case W(SQ) is the
intersection of the two circles (B, BA) and (C, CA). If one moves A inside the triangle BCSQ then the radius of the
yolk shrinks while the winset expands.