located inside circles that go through the status quo, and have center the preferences of each veto
player. The intersection of all these circles is the heavily shaded lens in Figure 2.1. Similarly, we
can identify all the points that cannot be defeated by a unanimous decision of the seven veto
players (the unanimity core). These points form the whole heptagon 1234567.
Indeed, any
point inside the heptagon cannot be replaced without one of the veto players objecting. The
hatched area in Figure 2.1 presents the unanimity core of this collective veto player.
What happens if this collective veto player uses less restrictive decisionmaking rules?
What if decisions are made by qualified majority of simple majority instead of unanimity? The
intuitions generated from Chapter 1 indicate that policy stability should decrease, that is, that
more points could defeat the status quo (the winset of the status quo should expand), and fewer
points should be invulnerable (the core should shrink). Let us consider one case of each rule.
First, a qualified majority decision by six out of the seven actors, and then, a simple majority (of
four out of seven members).
The points that can defeat SQ by a qualified majority of 6/7 (the 6/7 qualified majority
winset of SQ) can be identified if we consider the intersection of six out of the seven circles
around the points 1, 2, …,7 of Figure 2.1. I present this area shaded lighter than the points that
could defeat SQ under unanimity rule (the unanimity winset of SQ), and as the reader can verify
it includes this unanimity winset of SQ. In order to locate the points that cannot be defeated by a
6/7 majority (the 6/7 core), we consider all the possible combinations of 6 out of the 7 players,
and take the intersection of their unanimity cores.
In Figure 2.1 this intersection is represented
by the crosshatched area. The reader can verify that it is included in the unanimity core of the
I have selected them in way that none of them is included in the unanimity core of the others, otherwise the
unanimity core would have been a different polygon (with fewer sides).
A more expedient way would be to connect the seven players by ignoring one of them each time (connect 1 and 3,
2 and 4, 3, and 5 etc.) and consider the polygon generated by the intersection of these lines.