Other authors have criticized Dahl for being too formal. Some of these critics introduced
additional criteria on inequalities (particularly of wealth and income). These conceptions expand
democracy from the political to the social and economic spheres.
On the other hand, Adam Przeworski (1999) has provided a minimalist defense of
Schumpeterian democracy. Along with the literature stemming from Arrow, he accepts that
democracy is not “rational, in the eighteenth-century sense of the term” (Przeworski 1999: 25).
In other words, there is nothing that can be defined as the common good to be maximized
(existence). If there were, the democratic process does not necessarily identify it (convergence),
and if it did, democracy is not the only system that does (uniqueness). “It thus seems that
choosing rulers by elections does not assure either rationality, or representation, or equality”
(Przeworski (1999: 43)). But according to this analysis there is something else that makes the
Schumpeterian notion of democracy desirable, and here is where Przeworski’s analysis departs
from all other approaches that add requirements to Schumpeter’s definition.
Przeworski takes away the elite competition part and replaces it by a lottery. This way he
aborts any connection between elections and representation. “Note that when the authorization to
rule is determined by a lottery, citizens have no electoral sanction, prospective or retrospective,
and the incumbents have no electoral incentives to behave well while in office. Since electing
governments by a lottery makes their chances of survival independent of their conduct, there are
no reasons to expect that governments act in a representative fashion because they want to earn
re-election.” (Przeworski (1999: 45).
Przeworski goes on to demonstrate that even this sub-standard system under certain
conditions presents one significant advantage: that the losers in an election may prefer to wait
See C.B. Macpherson (1973) and T.H. Marshall (1965) and more recently D. Rueschmeyer, E. Huber Stephens
and J. Stephens (1992).