Basic concepts of the probability theory 61
(2) The random variable has the Simpson’s distribution (triangular distribution)
on the interval (−a, a). To draw the distribution function graph. To calculate
Mξ, Dξ, γ
. To find the probability of hitting of the random variable ξ into
the interval (a/2, a).
(3) The quality control of detonators for an explosive source on seismic survey
is implemented in the following way. If a resistance R of the detonator is
satisfied the inequalities R
< R < R
, then the detonator can be used, but
if the inequalities are not valid, then the detonator rejects as defective. It is
known, that the resistance of the detonator has the normal distribution with
the mathematical expectation MR = (R
)/2 and standard deviation σ
− R
)/4. To find the probability of the rejecting of the detonator.
(4) For the case of the above considered task, to find the standard deviation of
the resistance of the detonator σ
, if it is known, that rejection is 10 % of all
(5) During a device operation at the random moments can be malfunctions. The
time T of the device operation up to the first malfunction is distributed under
the exponential law f
(t) = ν exp{−νt} with parameter ν (t > 0). The mal-
function is immediately discovered and the device acts in repair. The duration
of repair is equal t
, then the device again acts in operation. To find the den-
sity function f
(t) and cumulative distribution function F
(t) of a time interval
ζ between two neighboring defects. To find its mathematical expectation and
variance. To find probability that ζ will be greater than 2t
(6) Consider the Poisson field of points with the constant density λ. To find a
distribution law and the numerical characteristics m
, D
for a distance apart
arbitrary point and a nearest neighbor point.
(7) In the some star set the stars are three-dimensional Poisson field of points with
the density λ (the mathematical expectation of a number of stars per unit
volume). Let us to fix one (arbitrary) star and to consider the nearest star,
the next (second) star with greater distance, third star and so on. To find the
distribution low for the distance between the fixed star and the n-the star in
this line.
(8) The iron-manganese concretions are placed at the bottom of ocean in the ran-
dom points and forms the Poisson field of points with a density λ (mathematical
expectation of number of concretions per unit area). The arbitrary point O at
the bottom is chosen. Consider the random variable R
, which is a distance
between the point O and the nearest concretion. To find the distribution of R
(9) Let us consider an amplitude of seismic signal at the time point t
as a random
variable ξ which has the normal distribution and the mathematical expectation
= 0. There is an interval (α, β) and origin of coordinates does not belong to
this interval. At what value of the standard deviation the probability of hitting
the random variable ξ inside the interval (α, β) will be maximum?