one; for the elements which are included in the first subblock, the intensity of
the failure flow is equal λ
, in the second or third subblocks the intensity of the
failure flow is equal λ
. The first subblock fails, if not less than two elements
fail. The second (third) subblock fails if even of one element fails. The block of
the seismic station fails if the first subblock or second and third subblocks fail
together. To find the probability that during a time τ the block of the seismic
station will leave out of the operation.
(4) The artificial satellite revolving during n of day, may collide randomly with
meteorites. The meteorites are traversing an orbit and colliding with the satel-
lite, form a stationary Poisson flow with intensity κ (meteorites per day). The
meteorite which has hitted the satellite, punches its envelope with the proba-
bility p
. The meteorite, which has punched an envelope, puts out of the action
the devices of the satellite with probability p
. To find the probability of the
following events:
(A) — {the envelop is punched during flight time};
(B) — {the devices put out of action during flight time};
(C) — {the envelop is punched but the devices do not put out of the action
during the flight time}.
(5) The hunters are drawn up in a chain by a random fashion so, that they form
on an axis 0x a stationary flow of points with the intensity λ (λ is a number
of the hunters on unity of length). The wolf runs perpendicularly to the chain.
Any hunter shoots at the wolf only in the event that the wolf is distant from it
no greater than R
, and then to hit the mark with the probability p. To find
the probability that the wolf will cross the chain, if it does not know, where the
hunters are located and if the chain has a sufficient length.
(6) The random events ξ and η are considered which possess the values (0, 1) (pres-
ence and absence of a signal on two recording areas of a seismogram) with a
probability distribution accordingly
ξ :
0 1
and η :
0 1
To draw the probability distributions:
(1) for the sum ζ = ξ + η;
(2) for the difference ζ = ξ − η;
(3) for the product ζ = ξ ·η.
(7) In a memory cell of a computer n-bit binary number is recorded. Each bit
position of this number, irrespective of the rest of bit positions, has the value
of 0 or 1 with the equal probability. A random variable ξ is a number of bit
positions, which is equal “1”. To find the probabilities of the events {ξ = m},
{ξ ≥ m}, {ξ < m}.
(8) On a communication bus k messages are transmitted, which containing n
, n
. . . , n
digits (“0” or “1”). The digits with probability 0.5 are equal to the