alternative measure of central tendency. e median is the x-value that is in
the middle of the data set, i. e., 50 % of the observations are larger than the
median and 50 % are smaller. e median of a data set sorted in ascending
order is de ned as
if N is odd and
if N is even. Although outliers also a ect the median, their absolute values
do not in uence it. Quantiles are a more general way of dividing the data
sample into groups containing equal numbers of observations. For example,
the three quartiles divide the data into four groups, the four quintiles di-
vide the observations in ve groups and the 99 percentiles de ne one hun-
dred groups.
e third important measure for central tendency is the mode. e
mode is the most frequent x value or – if the data are grouped in classes –
the center of the class with the largest number of observations. e data set
has no mode if there are no values that appear more frequently than any of
the other values. Frequency distributions with a single mode are called uni-
modal, but there may also be two modes ( bimodal), three modes ( trimodal)
or four or more modes ( multimodal).
e mean, median and mode are used when several quantities add to-
gether to produce a total, whereas the geometric mean is o en used if these
quantities are multiplied. Let us assume that the population of an organism
increases by 10 % in the rst year, 25 % in the second year, and then 60 % in
the last year. e average rate of increase is not the arithmetic mean, since
the original number of individuals has increased by a factor (not a sum)
of 1.10 a er one year, 1.375 a er two years, or 2.20 a er three years. e
average growth of the population is therefore calculated by the geometric
e average growth of these values is 1.4929 suggesting an approximate per
annum growth in the population of 49 %. e arithmetic mean would result
in an erroneous value of 1.5583 or approximately 56 % annual growth. e
geometric mean is also a useful measure of central tendency for skewed or