52 Section I • Head and Neck and Endocrine Procedures
◆ If malignancy or deep lobe involvement is suspected, imaging should be obtained.
◆ Fine needle aspiration is 94% sensitive, 97% specifi c, and 95% accurate in diagnosis of
parotid masses. Inconclusive lymphoid cells do not exclude lymphoma. Fine needle aspi-
ration is useful for preoperative counseling.
◆ Open biopsy is not recommended because of the risk of implantation of malignant cells and
possible injury to the facial nerve. Open biopsy is indicated when malignancy is suspected
(facial nerve paralysis, skin involvement) and diagnosis cannot be confi rmed with fi ne
needle aspiration.
◆ If tumor is believed to be malignant, preoperative counseling should include possible facial
nerve sacrifi ce, neck dissection, reconstruction of the facial nerve, and possible facial reani-
mation surgery.
◆ Indications for lateral lobectomy include the following:
◆ Benign or malignant tumor (exceptions include benign lymphoepithelial cysts and
parotid lymphoma)
◆ Refractory sialolithiasis, sialoadenitis (chronic parotitis), and chronic sialorrhea; some
authors advocate total parotidectomy for chronic parotitis
◆ As part of lymph node dissection for other head and neck primary tumors, primarily
cutaneous malignancies of the face and scalp
◆ Excision of fi rst branchial cleft cyst involving parotid gland
◆ Although superfi cial parotidectomy is performed for tumors located in the lateral lobe of
the parotid, most authors now recommend excision of the tumor with a healthy cuff of
normal gland, particularly if the tumor is located in the tail.
◆ Enucleation of benign tumors is to be condemned. This increases risk of facial nerve injury,
unacceptable risk of tumor recurrence, and increased diffi culty of facial nerve preservation
with repeat excision.
◆ Total parotidectomy with facial nerve preservation is indicated for tumors arising from or
extending to a plane deep to the facial nerve and for all medium- to high-grade malignant
tumors, regardless of location.
◆ Radical parotidectomy (total parotidectomy with facial nerve sacrifi ce) is indicated in cases
of malignant involvement of the main trunk of the facial nerve.