1198 Index
Splenectomy (Continued)
gastric fi stula after, 608
incision, 604
pancreatic fi stula after, 608
pearls and pitfalls of, 608-609
postoperative care, 608
preoperative considerations for, 602, 604
surgical anatomy of, 602, 603f
Splenic artery, 279f, 508, 509f, 512, 517f-
519f, 546, 571f, 578, 603f, 606f, 955f
Splenic fl exure, 508, 680, 693f, 706
Splenic preservation, 518f-519f
Splenic repair, 602-609
Splenic vein
anatomy of, 465f, 485f, 493f, 508, 509f,
513f, 515f, 519f, 571f, 578, 955f
thrombosis of, 566
Splenius muscle, 21f
Splenocolic ligament, 603f, 679f, 707f, 1134f
Splenorenal anastomosis, 957f
Splenorenal bypass, 954-957, 956f-957f
Stamm gastrostomy, 240-245
Stapled anastomosis, 728, 728f-729f
Stay sutures, 312, 312f
Steal syndrome, 984, 1006
Stensen’s duct, 60, 62
Sternoclavicular ligament, 1167f
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
anatomy of, 19, 21f, 907f, 1019f, 1172f
in cricothyroidotomy, 77f
in modifi ed radical neck dissection with
spinal accessory nerve
preservation, 30f, 32f, 37f
in parotidectomy, 53f, 55f
in thyroidectomy, 3f, 7f
in tracheotomy, 65f
Sternohyoid muscle, 3f, 7f, 65f, 1019f
Sternothyroid muscle, 3f
anatomy of, 278, 279f
greater curvature of, 280, 281f, 306
lesser curvature of, 280, 281f, 306, 306f
removal of. see Gastrectomy
Stoma takedown
antibiotic prophylaxis for, 642
bowel preparation for, 642
complications of, 641, 651
deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis, 650
pearls and pitfalls of, 651
postoperative care, 650
preoperative considerations for, 641-642
stress ulcer prophylaxis, 650
surgical anatomy of, 641
suturing/sutures for, 648, 649f
technique for, 642-649
Subclavian artery, 21f, 1019f, 1171f
Subclavian artery stab
clavicular resection, 1170, 1170f-1172f
incision, 1168, 1169f
pearls and pitfalls of, 1173
postoperative care, 1173
preoperative considerations for, 1168
surgical anatomy of, 1166, 1167f
Subclavian nodes, 133f
Subclavian vein, 1018, 1019f, 1167f, 1171f
Subclavius muscle, 1167f
Subcostal incision, 91f, 278, 437f, 438, 443f,
955f, 958f
Subcuticular sutures, 49f, 809f
Submandibular duct, 27, 27f
Submandibular gland, 1163f
Submandibular triangle, 19
Submental triangle, 19
Subscapular axillary pectoral nodes, 119f
Subscapular muscle, 119f
Subtotal resection, 14, 15f
Superfi cial external pudendal artery, 893f
Superfi cial external pudendal vein, 893f
Superfi cial femoral artery, 892, 897f
Superfi cial inguinal node dissection
closure of, 1126
complications of, 1128
deep vein thrombosis after, 1128
dissection, 1126, 1127f
incision, 1123f, 1124, 1125f
pearls and pitfalls of, 1128
postoperative care, 1128
preoperative considerations for, 1122
surgical anatomy of, 1122, 1123f
suturing/sutures, 1126
Superfi cial perineal nerve, 1093f
Superior epigastric artery, 893f
Superior epigastric vein, 893f
Superior gemellus muscle, 1061f
Superior hypogastric plexus, 686
Superior mesenteric artery
anatomy of, 522, 545f, 546, 559f,
569f, 578, 702f, 721, 881f, 964,
973f, 979f
in distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy,
509f, 513f, 515f, 517f, 519f
Superior mesenteric vein, 509f, 513f, 515f,
517f, 519f, 545f, 557f, 559f
Superior rectal artery, 676f, 702, 702f
Superior thyroid artery, 3f, 7f, 9f, 21f, 907f
Superior thyroid vein, 3f, 7f, 9f, 21f
Supinator muscle, 939f
Supraclavicular nodes, 133f
Supracondylar amputation
e of, 1048, 1049f
dissection, 1044, 1046, 1047f
incision, 1044, 1045f
indications for, 1042
myodesis/myoplasty, 1046
pearls and pitfalls of, 1050
postoperative care, 1050
preoperative considerations for, 1042
surgical anatomy of, 1042, 1043f
wound hematoma after, 1050
Suprascapular artery, 21f, 1167f
Supraumbilical incision, 174, 174f-175f
Supraumbilical laparotomy, 273
Sural artery, 920f
abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, 886,
886f-887f, 889, 889f
abdominal hysterectomy, 1082, 1083f
antegrade aortomesenteric bypass, 976, 976f
aortorenal endarterectomy, 952
apex, 457f
arteriovenous grafts, 1003
axillary node dissection, 1118, 1118f
Beger procedure, 530, 531f, 536
below-knee amputation, 1038, 1039f
benign breast lesion excision, 148, 149f
Billroth I, 282f-283f, 283-284, 285f,
288, 289f
Billroth II, 295-296, 295f-297f, 299,
299f, 302f
Brooke ileostomy, 631-632, 633f, 730
carotid endarterectomy, 916, 916f
choledochoduodenostomy, 440, 440f-442f
Connell. see Connell suturing
cystoduodenostomy, 592, 592f
cystogastrostomy, 585f
distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy,
514, 514f
diverting end colostomy with mucous
fi stula or Hartmann’s pouch, 622-625,
duodenal ulcer repair, 324-326, 325f-326f
fi stula-in-ano, 780
Suturing/sutures (Continued)
Frey procedure, 538, 539f
gastrojejunostomy, 335, 335f, 338-339,
hemorrhoidectomy, 761-763, 761f-763f
hepatorenal bypass, 960, 961f
ileorectal anastomosis, 726, 727f
inguinal herniorrhaphy
Bassini, 808, 808f-809f
McVay, 817, 817f
Shouldice, 828, 829f-830f
laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding,
390, 392, 392f
left and sigmoid colectomy, 694, 695f
Lembert. see Lembert suturing
low anterior resection–total mesorectal
excision, 740, 740f-741f
major duct excision, 154f
Meckel’s diverticulectomy, 396, 397f
Miles abdominoperineal resection with total
mesorectal excision, 756, 757f
modifi ed radical mastectomy, 128, 128f
modifi ed radical neck dissection with spinal
accessory nerve preservation, 38
neck exploration for trauma, 1164, 1164f
open cholecystectomy, 432, 432f
open Heller myotomy, 237, 237f
pancreaticojejunostomy, 576
parathyroidectomy, 48-49
parotidectomy, 63
Puestow procedure, 576
purse-string, 242f-244f, 248f, 250,
694f, 807f, 1024, 1026
pylorus-saving pancreaticoduodenectomy,
radiocephalic arteriovenous fi stula, 988
rectovaginal fi stula repair, 1104, 1107f
right hemicolectomy anastomoses, 658f,
right hepatectomy, 488, 488f
running, 295f
sphincteroplasty, 456, 457f, 458, 459f
splenorenal bypass, 956, 957f
stay, 312, 312f
stoma takedown, 648, 649f
subcuticular, 809f
superfi cial inguinal node dissection,
supracondylar amputation, 1048, 1049f
thyroidectomy, 16, 17f
total gastrectomy, 308, 308f, 311-312,
tracheotomy, 72, 72f
traction, 148
transhiatal esophagectomy, 191, 191f
transmetatarsal amputation, 1054, 1055f
transthoracic esophagectomy
, 201, 201f
U-stitch, 324-327, 325f
Zenker’s diverticula removal, 170, 170f
Temporoparotid fascia, 56
Tenckhoff catheter insertion
laparoscopic procedure, 1014f-1015f,
open procedure, 1010-1013
pearls and pitfalls of, 1017
postoperative care, 1017
preoperative considerations for, 1010
surgical anatomy of, 1009, 1009f
Tensor fasciae latae, 1062
Terminal ileum, 413
Testicular artery, 823f, 893f
Testicular vein, 893f
Thompson retractor, 676
Thoracic duct, 21f, 35f, 1167f