CHAPTER 2 • Modifi ed Radical Neck Dissection Preserving Spinal Accessory Nerve 33
◆ The specimen, including the fi bro-fatty and lymphatic tissue in level V, as well as the
superior aspect of the SCM muscle, is dissected in a posterior to anterior direction. The
specimen is passed underneath the SAN, gently retracting the SAN laterally (Figure 2-18).
◆ The deep limit of dissection is the fascia of the deep cervical muscles; the dissection proceeds
along the medial aspect of the levator scapulae and the scalene muscles. The rootlets of the
cervical plexus are exposed. The cutaneous branches are transected and removed with the
specimen. Care must be taken to preserve the nerve supply to the posterior compartment
musculature and the contributions to the phrenic nerve. This is done by transecting the
cervical rootlets approximately 1 cm anterior to the takeoff of the phrenic nerve, that is, “high”
in the specimen. Vessels typically accompany the rootlets and should be controlled using
bipolar cautery or suture ligation. In addition, care must be taken to avoid direct injury to the
phrenic nerve by lifting it off the anterior scalene muscle with the specimen (Figure 2-19).
Accessory nerve
Fibro-fatty tissue
Phrenic nerve
FIGURE 2 –18
Cervical rootlets
Phrenic nerve
FIGURE 2 –19