121A Resource Taxonomy
Other distinctions among resource categories are also useful. The first category
includes all depletable, recyclable resources, such as copper. A depletable resource is
one for which the natural replenishment feedback loop can safely be ignored.
The rate of replenishment for these resources is so low that it does not offer a
potential for augmenting the stock in any reasonable time frame.
A recyclable resource is one that, although currently being used for some particular
purpose, exists in a form allowing its mass to be recovered once that purpose is no
longer necessary or desirable. For example, copper wiring from an automobile can
be recovered after the car has been shipped to the junkyard. The degree to which a
resource is recycled is determined by economic conditions, a subject covered in
Chapter 8.
The current reserves of a depletable, recyclable resource can be augmented by
economic replenishment, as well as by recycling. Economic replenishment takes
many forms, all sharing the characteristic that they turn previously unrecoverable
resources into recoverable ones. One obvious stimulant for this replenishment is
price. As price rises, producers find it profitable to explore more widely, dig more
deeply, and use lower-concentration ores.
Higher prices also stimulate technological progress. Technological progress
simply refers to an advancement in the state of knowledge that allows us to expand
the set of feasible possibilities. One profound, if controversial, example can be
found in the successful harnessing of nuclear power.
The other side of the coin for depletable, recyclable resources is that their potential
reserves can be exhausted. The depletion rate is affected by the demand for and the
durability of the products built with the resource, and the ability to reuse the products.
Except where demand is totally price-inelastic (i.e., insensitive to price), higher prices
tend to reduce the quantity demanded. Durable products last longer, reducing the
need for newer ones. Reusable products provide a substitute for new products. In the
commercial sector, reusable soft drink containers provide one example, while flea
markets (where secondhand items are sold) provide another for the household sector.
For some resources, the size of the potential reserves depends explicitly on our
ability to store the resource. For example, helium is generally found commingled
with natural gas in common fields. As the natural gas is extracted and stored, unless
the helium is simultaneously captured and stored, it diffuses into the atmosphere.
This diffusion results in such low concentrations that extraction of helium from the
air is not economical at current or even likely future prices. Thus, the useful stock
of helium depends crucially on how much we decide to store.
Not all depletable resources can be recycled or reused. Depletable energy resources
such as coal, oil, and gas are consumed as they are used. Once combusted and turned
into heat energy, the heat dissipates into the atmosphere and becomes nonrecoverable.
The endowment of depletable resources is of finite size. Current use of depletable,
nonrecyclable resources precludes future use; hence, the issue of how they should be
shared among generations is raised in the starkest, least forgiving form.
Depletable, recyclable resources raise this same issue, though somewhat less
starkly. Recycling and reuse make the useful stock last longer, all other things being
equal. It is tempting to suggest that depletable, recyclable resources could last forever
with 100 percent recycling, but unfortunately the physical theoretical upper limit on