96 Chapter 4 Valuing the Environment: Methods
It is possible to translate the value derived from this procedure into an “implied
value of human life.” This is accomplished by dividing the amount each individual
is willing to pay for a specific reduction in the probability of death by the probabil-
ity reduction. Suppose, for example, that a particular environmental policy could
be expected to reduce the average concentration of a toxic substance to which one
million people are exposed. Suppose further that this reduction in exposure could
be expected to reduce the risk of death from 1 out of 100,000 to 1 out of 150,000.
This implies that the number of expected deaths would fall from 10 to 6.67 in the
exposed population as a result of this policy. If each of the one million persons
exposed is willing to pay $5 for this risk reduction (for a total of $5 million), then
the implied value of a statistical life is approximately $1.5 million ($5 million
divided by 3.33). Or alternatively, the VSL can be calculated using the change in
WTP divided by the change in risk. For this example, that would be $5 divided by
the change in risk of death (1/100,000–1/150,000), or $1.5 million. Thus, the VSL
is capturing the rate of trade-off between money and a very small risk of death.
What actual values have been derived from these methods? One early survey
(Viscusi, 1996) of a large number of studies examining reductions in a number of
life-threatening risks found that most implied values for human life (in 1986
dollars) were between $3 million and $7 million. This same survey went on to
suggest that the most appropriate estimates were probably closer to the $5 million
estimate. In other words, all government programs resulting in risk reductions
costing less than $5 million per life saved would be justified in benefit–cost terms.
Those costing more might or might not be justified, depending on the appropriate
value of a life saved in the particular risk context being examined.
In a recent meta-analysis, Mrozek and Taylor (2002) found much lower values for
VSL. Using over 40 labor market studies, their research suggest that a range of
$1.5 million to $2.5 million for VSL is more appropriate. What about age? Does the
VSL change with age? Apparently so. Aldy and Viscusi (2008) find an inverted
U-shape relationship between VSL and age. Specifically, using hedonic wage model,
they estimate a VSL of $3.7 million for persons ages 18–24, $9.7 million for persons
ages 35–44, and $3.4 million for persons ages 55–62. VSL rises with age, peaks, and
then declines.
What about the value of statistical life across populations or countries with
different incomes? How does VSL vary with income? Most agencies in the United
States use VSLs between $5 million and $8 million. These estimates are based
largely on hedonic wage studies that have been conducted in the United States or
in other high-income countries.
How might those results be translated into
settings featuring populations with lower incomes?
Adjustments for income are typically derived using an estimate of the income elas-
ticity of demand. Recall that income elasticity is the percent change in consumption
given a 1 percent change in income. Hammitt and Robinson (2011) note that apply-
ing income elasticities, derived for countries like the United States, might result in
nonsensical VSL estimates if blindly applied to lower-income countries. While U.S.
agencies typically assume a 0.4 to 0.6 percent change in VSL for a 1 percent change
in real income over time, elasticities closer to 1.0 or higher are more realistic for
Many labor market estimates of VSL average near $7 million (Viscusi 2008).