MTBEs (methyl tertiary butyl ethers), 459, 549
Multilateral Fund, 429
Municipal policies, water pricing, 216–217
Myopia, 132
N-period constant-cost case, 124–125
N-period constant-cost, no-substitute case,
NAFTA (North American Free Trade
Agreement), 548, 549–550
National Acid Rain Precipitation Assessment
Program, 412
National Environmental Policy Act (1969), 69
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), 84
National security, dependence on oil
and, 152–153
Nations, perverse incentives regarding
forest use, 304–305
Natura Bolivia (environmental group), 258
Natural capital, 112
Natural equilibrium, wildlife populations, 321
Natural gas
Industrialized nations dependence on, 140
price controls, 142–146
Natural resource curse, 551–552
Natural Resources Defense Council, 485
The Nature Conservancy
ecotourism promoted by, 257
instream flows protected by acquiring water
rights, 223
public goods provided by, 33
NDP (net domestic product), 553
Negative feedback loops, 6, 574
Negligence, common-law system and, 525–527
climate change and, 42, 71
difficult when large numbers involved, 40
private resolution of market inefficiencies, 38
Neoclassical economics, 7
Net benefits, 49
Net domestic product (NDP), 553
Neurological disorders, 478
New scrap, 189
New Source Review (NSR), 400, 401
NGOs (nongovernmental organizations), 308
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, 417
NIMBY (Not in My Backyard),
521, 524
Nitrogen charge (Swedish example), 384
656 Subject Index
Nitrogen Credit Exchange, 493
Nitrogen oxide emissions
cost-effectiveness analysis (Chicago
example), 68
emissions trading, 377
mobile-source air pollution and, 443
NOx Budget Trading Program, 377
regional pollutants, 411
NO2. See Nitrogen oxide emissions
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration), 84
Nonattainment region, 398
Noncompliance penalty, 400
Nonconsumptive uses, of water. See
Instream flows
Nonconsumptive use values. See Passive
use values
Nonexcludability, of public goods, 31
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 308
Nonpoint sources
lack of protection against, 509
regulation of, 482–483
water pollution, 472, 494–497
Nonrenewable resource, 217, 543
Nonuniformly mixed pollutants, 379–381
Nonuse values
contingent valuation for measuring, 89
economic value of resources, 80
Normative economics
decision-making and, 46
vs. positive economics, 19
See also Benefit-cost analysis
North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), 548, 549–550
Northern Spotted Owl, 81, 301–302
Not in My Backyard (NIMBY), 521, 524
NSR (New Source Review), 400, 401
Nuclear accidents, 159–160
Nuclear power
disposing of nuclear waste, 160–161
efficient level of precaution in use of, 161–162
expense of building nuclear power plants, 160
See also Uranium
Nuclear program, France, 161
Nutrient sensitive waters, 495
O3. See Ozone
Obama administration, 466
Occidental Petroleum, 508
Occupational hazards, 513–516