so as to keep capital costs as low as possible, even if it means incurring higher
operating cost. Base-load plants, on the other hand, run almost continuously, so
the capital costs are prorated over a very large number of kilowatt-hours and
therefore are less of a burden.
5. No. This could internalize some of the externalities associated with oil, but it
would not internalize the climate change externalities of other fuels such as coal
and indeed might exacerbate them as consumers switched from oil to coal.
6. a. False. While cartel members with small stocks of the depletable resource
would be generally supportive, cartel member holding large reserves would
be afraid that the high early price increases would force an earlier switch to
renewables, leaving them with unsold stocks.
b. False. By holding prices lower than they would otherwise be, placing a price
control on a depletable resource would increase the speed with which the
resource is extracted over time but it would lower the cumulative amount
ultimately extracted.
c. False. By lowering the marginal user costs a price control influences the
extraction path of a depletable resource well before the time that the market
price actually reaches the level of the price control.
d. Uncertain. While internalizing the externality, as proposed here, is generally a
move toward efficiency, the details do matter. For example, the level of com-
pensation could be too high or too low. Remember that for efficiency the pay-
ments should exactly equal the damages caused. Excessive compensation can
be inefficient because, by raising the expected cost of future operations above
the efficient levels, it could preclude some efficient oil drilling. On the other
hand, inadequate compensation, by ultimately understating the future
expected cost, could promote excessive oil drilling.
7. The existence of a renewable energy credit market would lower the compliance
costs associated with meeting a renewable portfolio standard by providing more
flexibility to compliance units. For example, without such a market utilities
would have to assure that they supplied the requisite amount of renewable
power within their market area regardless of whether that market area was suit-
able for that renewable power or not. With a renewable energy credit market,
producers can create the renewable power in those areas that are most suitable
(e.g., have the requisite wind flow, water flow, or solar flux) and sell any excess to
jurisdictions that could only generate their own renewable power only at a much
higher cost. Substituting this more efficiently produced (and hence lower-cost)
power for the more inefficiently produced (and hence higher-cost) power, allows
the standard to be met at a lower cost.
8. Incorporating national security concerns, but ignoring climate change impact
means that domestic production is determined by the intersection of S
with P
and total consumption is determined by the intersection of P
with domestic de-
mand. Note that this results in a lower price level (P
rather than P
), more
domestic production (since domestic producers are ignoring the climate-change
impact), and more domestic consumption (due to the lower price).
607Answers to Self-Test Exercises