the circumference of radius
r one has ⋅= = − <rv
22 2
22 22 2 2
cos ( ) 0rv r R rα , hence
cos 0, / 2απαπ<<<, so that the trajectories enter inside the circular annulus.
Hence, the circular annulus is a bounded domain which does not contain critical points
of the system of differential equations, and the trajectories ones entered in this domain,
remain there; according to the Poincarè–Bendixon theorem, the system of differential
equations (23.1.77) admits at least a closed trajectory entirely situated in the interior of
the circular annulus, hence at least a periodic solution of the form
cos( ), sin( )xR t xR tωϕ ωϕ,
as it can be easily shown.
Let be Liénard’s differential equation
++=() 0xfxxx ;
one can show that this equation admits a periodic solution if:
(i) the function
()fx is Lipschitz continuous in ;
() ()d
Fx fξξ is an odd function;
(iii) there exists a constant
> 0α so that, for <<0 x α , one has <() 0Fx ;
(iv) there exists a constant
> 0β so that, for >x β , >() 0Fx is monotone
increasing and
=∞lim ( )
Fx .
As well, the differential equation
+=() 0xfx
admits a periodic solution if
()fx is an odd function of class
C , definite in
, which
verifies the condition
>() 0fx for 0, 0x αα<≤ >.
Fig. 24.34 The system of differential equations (24.3.7); the diagram (, ) 0
r λ =
Let be the system of differential equations (24.2.1), depending on the real parameter
∈λ ; a study of the equation has been made in Sect., obtaining a statistical
ramification diagram and a certain number of configurations of equilibrium. We notice
that, for certain values of the parameter
λ , it is possible to have not such a motion; in
this case too, one can build up a diagram of ramifications, there appear points of
ramification etc.