Taking into account the above considerations on the Poincaré application, we can
make a graphic analysis in this direction; thus, Fig. 24.16a corresponds to an attractor
and Fig. 24.16b to a repeller.
One of the mathematical models often used to study the increasing of the population
leads to the quadratic logistic equation
=− =
(1 ), const
xax x a ,
the fixed point being
=−11/xa; we notice that =−() (1 )fx ax x, so that
=−()2fx a
. Hence, for <<13a the fixed point is an attractor (Fig. 24.17a). For
= 3a it results a bifurcation which leads to a cycle of period 2 (Fig. 24.17b), which is
stable for
<<+316a . If a increases, then will result cycles of periods 4
(Fig. 24.17c),
8,16,...,2 ,...
Finally, if a increases very much, then one obtains a
chaotic regime, in which the trajectories are as thus corresponding to an aleatory
process (Fig. 24.17d).
24.2 Elements of the Theory of Catastrophes
From the oldest times, one of the basic wishes of men has to understand the intimate
mechanisms of the motion, of the change and of the permanent development, hence of
the evolution of the systems which surround us. After modelling the world on the basis
of faith in gods or starting from the observations on the motion of stars, men arrived to
scientific models of the evolution, models which have been continuously perfected. The
first models have had a deterministic character, e.g., the determinism of Newtonian
mechanics, representing thus a great achievement in the knowledge of the evolution of
phenomena of the nature. But, besides the phenomena with a continuous character, one
must mention the phenomena with a discontinuous or aleatory character too, which – as
a matter of fact – are much more numerous and the knowledge and understanding of
which is more and more important.
In this order of ideas, at the beginning of the eighth decade of twentieth century,
there have been set up new theories concerning the evolution of systems, i.e.: the theory
of dissipative systems (Prigogine, 1971), the synergetics (Haken, 1971) and the theory
of catastrophes (Thom, 1972). The theory of dissipative systems deals with the
behaviour of the system in the vicinity of the equilibrium or far from it, putting in
evidence the differences of state between the two states (Prigogine, I., 1980). The
synergetics studies, especially, the causes which produce the changes of phase, showing
why some of the variables lead to such changes, while other ones not (Haken. H.,
1982). The mathematical support of these two theories is given by the theory of
catastrophes, which shows how the phase transitions take place, of how many kinds
they are and of how many parameters they are influenced. Unlike the first two theories,
which have a qualitative character, the latter one is – essentially – quantitative. In fact,
the three theories are completing themselves.
Putting an accent on the qualitative transformations produced by jumps, which –
obviously – are discontinuous, René Thom elaborates the mathematical model of
evolutive processes (Thom, R., 1972). The corresponding theory is – one can say – a
mathematical theory of singularities, representing a true revolution in the differential