If, instead of the system of differential equations
xfxx , one considers
the system of differential equations
=+xfx gx(), (),εε
positive small parameter, the
heteroclinic and homoclinic lines of the first system are fundamentally changed from a
structural point of view, being thus structurally instable.
24.4 Fractals. Chaotic Motions
In the previously made studies we have encountered the notion of attractor, in the
frame of deterministic motion; this one can be a point, a limit cycle or even a dense
curve on a torus (eventually, in
spaces, > 3n , on tori of higher order).
Corresponding to chaotic motions, a characteristic attractor has been put in evidence,
i.e. “the strange attractor”; this one has the structure of a fractal, so that a preliminary
study of this motion becomes necessary.
24.4.1 Fractals
The notion of fractal (in Latin “fractus”, irregular) has been introduced by
Benoit B. Mandelbrot, in 1967, and developed by him in the monograph “Les objects
fractals: form, hasard et dimensions”, published in 1975. This denomination can be applied
both to some fractal mathematical sets and to natural fractals (natural forms, which can be
represented by such sets). Mandelbrot put the bases of the fractal geometry, but many
fractals appeared – even if not with this denomination – in the work of great mathematicians
as Georg Cantor, Giuseppe Peano, David Hilbert, Helge von Koch, Wacław Sierpinski,
Gaston Julia and Felix Hausdorff. Mandelbrot showed that such “mathematical monsters”
(Peano’s curve, Hilbert’s curve, Koch’s curve, Menger’s sponge, Hausdorff’s dimension
etc.) are usually encountered in the nature and do not present simple, classical forms, but
forms with a great level of complexity (Mandelbrot, B.B., 1975).
In what follows, after some general considerations concerning the notions of distance
and dimension, we present some methods to generate fractals, as well as the Julia and
Mandelbrot sets. General Considerations
From a descriptive point of view, a fractal is – after Mandelbrot – a set which
presents the same irregularities at any scale they would be seen; from a geometrical
point of view, it is a quantity the parts of which are – in a great measure – identical
with the entire set. This mathematical property is called similarity.
We give some classical examples, in the frame of this definition (Barnsley, M.F.,
1988; Barnsley, M.F. and Demko, S.G., 1989; Falconer, K.J., 1990; Peitgen, H.O., et al.,
1992; Smale, S., 1980).
Let be a segment of a line of length equal to unity, from which we eliminate the
middle third part; further we eliminate the middle third parts from the two segments of a
line which have remained a.s.o., obtaining Cantor’s set. One observes that, reducing the
scale to
1/3,(1/3) ,...,(1/ 3) ,...
, one obtains always the same image (Fig. 24.40).
Let us consider a segment of a line (Fig. 24.41a); we replace the middle third part of
it by a broken line, formed by two segments of a line of length equal to
1/3 of the
length of the initial segment of a line (Fig. 24.41b). We proceed, further, analogously