Other Considerations on Analytical Methods in Dynamics of Discrete Mechanical Systems
motion, in which the system returns an infinity of times to the neighbourhood of the
initial state, “stable in Poisson’s sense”.
The central idea of demonstration of this theorem is Liouville’s theorem; no
particular property of Hamilton’s equations is used.
Poincaré’s theorem can be a starting point for new studies concerning problems of
classical dynamics. Usually, we wish to solve these problems determining explicitly the
configuration of the system at the moment
t , as a function of t and of the given
configuration at the moment
tt; but for the most problems one cannot find exact
solutions. Poincaré’s theorem plays an important rôle in this case; one can determine
the individual characteristics starting from a discussion of statistical properties of these
characteristics, taken as a whole.
Let be a mechanical system for which
H is inferior bounded in the phase space. We
can suppose that
=inf 0H
; this can be obtained by adding a convenient arbitrary
constant (which does not alter the equations of motion). Let us suppose that “the
, const, 0Hhh h== >, is closed. In this case, H is a first integral of the
canonical system and the surface
=Hh bounds an invariant domain; the domain
bounded by two such surfaces will be, analogically, an invariant domain. In case of the
==−,qpp q,
corresponding to a harmonic oscillator, we choose the unity of time so that the period
2π . The system has only one degree of liberty, hence the phase space is
two-dimensional, while the trajectories are the curves
= constH , hence the circles
qp hh
the motion on each circle is uniform and clockwise. The circle
=+= >
,0rqpRR, is an invariant domain, which contains only one
trajectory. The domain
RrR is an invariant domain too. The motion of the
fluid is a motion in which the fluid is rotating as a rigid solid. Hence, the domain
may be a circle, a circular disc or a circular annulus. Ergodic Theorems
Poincaré’s theorem states the existence of the motions in which the movable point
re-enters in
ω an infinity of times. Further, following problem is put: How long is the
movable point in ω ? As well, the problem is put in case of discrete intervals of time:
In what proportion (of time) is the movable point in
ω ? The theorems connected to
such problems and to analogous ones are called ergodic theorems.
In connection with such problems appears the necessity of integration on a set of
points; one must use Lebesgue’s measure of a set of points instead of the simpler set of
volume or extension, sufficient till now, and the integrals will be Lebesgue integrals
instead of Riemann ones (sufficient, usually, in classical mechanics).
Let be the transformations
defined by the solutions of the autonomous system
(21.1.36) of zero divergence; let be also an invariant domain
of finite measure