00 0
, ,...,
qq q, we can write ∂∂ = =
, 1,2,...,
Sq p j s. The first subsystem of
relations determines the motion of the representative point in the space
; associating
the second subsystem of relations, we obtain the motion of the representative point in
the space
Γ .
Thus, Hamilton showed, in 1834, the possibility to obtain the final equation of
motion at the moment
t (the canonical co-ordinates as functions of time), by means of
a complete integral of the equation in
S . But the complete integral used by Hamilton is
not arbitrary; indeed, the essential constants which have been used are the initial values
of the canonical co-ordinates. Thus, one obtains a vicious circle: to obtain the final
equations of motion, Hamilton’s principal function is necessary, while to set up this
function, one must know the final equations of motion. The essential merit of Jacobi
consists in showing how one can avoid this vicious circle; indeed, Jacobi showed, in
1837, that the final equations of motion can be obtained by means of an arbitrary
complete integral of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation (19.2.9).
19.2.2 Systems of Equations with Separate Variables
The setting up of a complete integral of the Hamilton–Jacobi partial differential
equation can be realized, in many cases, in the form of a sum of
s functions of only
one generalized co-ordinate; in this case, we say that we have to do with a system of
equations with separate variables, which has interesting properties. We mention that the
separability is a property connected both to the system and to the chosen independent
co-ordinates. One puts thus the problem to determine the conditions of separability, as
well as the form of the system which verifies such conditions; we consider thus natural
systems with
s degrees of freedom, the motion of which is described by means of s
Lagrangian co-ordinates. There are a few cases (e. g., the problem of small oscillations)
in which the separation leads to
s independent equations, each one containing only one
generalized co-ordinate. In general, one cannot isolate a particular generalized
co-ordinate, studying its variation as in the case of a system with only one degree of
freedom; but, in a certain sense, we can consider the variation of a single co-ordinate,
neglecting the behaviour of the other co-ordinates.
One cannot give the general form of the systems of equations with separate (or with
separable) variables. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to the catastatic (hence
holonomic and scleronomic) systems for which the kinetic energy is a positive definite
quadratic form in the generalized velocities. In what follows, we will present firstly the
case of mechanical systems with two degrees of freedom. After some particular cases of
separability, we will study – further – the general case of mechanical systems with
s degrees of freedom, in the frame of Stäckel’s theory. Mechanical Systems with Two Degrees of Freedom
We notice first of all that any scleronomic mechanical system with a single degree of
freedom is separable, the complete integral of the corresponding Hamilton–Jacobi
equation being of the form