Prandtl’s wheel, 415–420
progressive precession, 404–407
regular precession, 404–407, 417–420, 430
Schlick’s gyroscope, 432–434
sleeping gyroscope, 410, 411
stability of the motion, 396–398
tendency of parallelism of the axes of rotation,
Integral, 8–10
first, 8–10
general, 8–10
Invariable plane, 55, 314
Jacobi’s multiplier, 288–296
properties of invariance, 293–296
theory of the last multiplier, 293–296
Material derivative, 83
Material variety, 84
with discontinuities, 129, 498
Matrix, 194–197
adjoint, 194, 195
antiHermitian, 195
Hermitian, 195, 203, 204
transpose, 194
Mechanical efficiency, 3, 531
Mechanical system, 1
closed, 1
discrete, 1–77
of variable mass, 169–192
continuous, 189–192
Meshcherskiĭ’s generalized equation, 170,
172, 175, 177, 178
particle, 169–172
open, 1
subjected to constraints, 37–40
Moment, 1, 12, 22, 58, 172, 208, 444–449
Moment of momentum, 1, 2, 12–14, 22–27, 58–67,
Motion with discontinuities, 498–519
action of a percussive force, 512–519
with a fixed point, 517, 518
free rigid solid, 518, 519
action of percussive forces, 512–515, 517–519
ballistic pendulum, 512, 515–517
centre of collision of two spheres, 498, 500–502
oblique collision, 503–506
percussion of two rigid solids, 498–500
of a sphere with a rigid solid, 506, 507
suddenly fixation, 512, 519
of two arbitrary rigid solids, 507–509
Motion of a discrete mechanical system, 41, 43, 47,
50, 54, 56, 58, 149, 151, 154
with respect to an inertial frame, 1
with respect to a Koenig frame, 50–57
with respect to a non-inertial frame, 50, 64
Motion of a free rigid solid, 228, 283
distribution of accelerations, 207
distribution of velocities, 207
dynamic moment, 211
dynamic resultant, 211
elementary work, 215, 216
finite rototranslations, 193–197
general equations, 220–229
homographic transformation, 209, 210
inversion, 196
kinematic considerations, 205–208
kinetic energy, 212–216
moment, 208–211
moment of momentum, 209–211
power, 216
pseudokinetic energy, 212
pseudomoment of momentum, 209, 210
rigid motion, 196, 197
state of rest, 226, 227
transportation of a complementary force,
216, 217
transportation of kinetic energy, 215, 216
Motion of a rigid solid with a fixed point, 279
case of a heavy rigid solid, 286–288
cases of integrability, 296–300
Husson’s theorem, 299
Euler-Poinsot case, 279, 299–301
determination of the position, 307–314
ellipsoid of inertia of rotation, 332–338
geometric representations, see Euler-Poinsot
case, motion of a rigid solid with a fixed
point, geometric representations
permanent rotations, 326–332
Poinsot’s cones, 282, 338–342
Poinsot type motion, 339–342
Sylvester’s theorems, 339–342
Volterra’s problem, 339–342
kinematics, 279–283, 301–307
kinetics, 283, 285
Lagrange-Poisson case, 342, 343
equations of motion, 343–346
geometric representation, 354, 355
motion of precession, 346–351
regular precession, 352–354
Nadolschi’s case, 378–380
permanent axes of rotation, 376, 377
Sonya Kowalewsky case, 355–359
first integrals, 356–359
reduction of the problem, 361–364
uniformity of the solution, 365–369
Bobylev-Steklov case, 373–376
Goryachev-Chaplygin case, 372, 373
Hess’s case, 370–372
Merkalov’s case, 372, 373
Motion of a rigid solid subjected to constraints,
about a fixed axis, 239–242