expressions instructors use in class will become familiar to students over the course of study and
need not be practiced at this point. The expressions are given here for reference when necessary.
Students need to be able to respond to instructor’s questions, such as “Did you understand
this?” The instructor, too, needs to know whether the students understand the instructor or
whether they are having a hard time comprehending. The students, likewise, need to be able to
ask the instructor politely to repeat questions or sentences.
2. Listen to the sound file and then repeat each expression. Repeat until the expressions come
smoothly. Confirm the meaning of each expression. (R: P-13)
Expression A possible user Meaning
1. Wakarimasu ka.
2. Hai, wakarimasu.
3. Ee, wakarimasu.
4. Iie, (yoku) wakarimaseN.
5. Ie, (yoku) wakarimaseN.
6. Moo ichi-do onegai-shimasu.
3. How would you respond to the teacher?
When the teacher asks you When the student responds
1. Wakarimasu ka. Yes, I do.
2. Wakarimasu ka. Yes, I understand it well.
3. Wakarimasu ka. No, I don’t.
4. Wakarimasu ka. No, I don’t understand it well.
5. A sentence that is not clear to the student. Ask the teacher to repeat it.
1. The goal of this step
In this step, students learn how to read and write different variations of hiragana. Follow the
instructions below.
2. Reading hiragana: Voiced sounds
Read the following aloud. Repeat until the sounds come fluently.
16 Preparatory Stage (Workbook 1)