A New Mathematical Landscape 45
necessary that each element in the domain occur exactly once among
the set of all ordered pairs that make up the function. The domain and
the range can be sets of any type. In Peano’s case, the domain is the
unit interval {t: 0 ≤ t ≤ 1}, and the range is the unit square {(x, y): 0 ≤ x
≤ 1; 0 ≤ y ≤ 1}. (We use t instead of x in describing the unit interval just
to avoid any possible confusion between the two sets.) Consequently,
if we were to write one of the ordered pairs that belongs to Peano’s
function, it would look like this: (t, (x, y)). The number t belongs to the
domain, and the ordered pair (x, y) belongs to the range. What drew
the attention of researchers around the world to Peano’s function—and it
is a function according to our definition—is that it satisfied the following
two criteria: (1) Every point in the unit square occurs at least once in the
set of all ordered pairs that make up the function, and (2) the function
is continuous. Geometrically speaking, therefore, Peano succeeded in
continuously “deforming” the unit interval until it covered the unit square.
(Peano’s space-filling curve does not pass the so-called vertical line test,
the test students learn in high school algebra courses, but the vertical
line test applies only to functions in which the domain is a subset of the
real numbers and the range is also a subset of the real numbers.)
Peano’s curve called into question the concept of dimension. For a
long time, mathematicians had naively accepted the idea that the dimen-
sion of the square was different from the dimension of the line because
they had always used two numbers—the x and y coordinates—to iden-
tify a point in the square, and they only used one number to identify a
point in the interval. However, Peano’s curve could be interpreted as a
scheme for identifying every point (x, y) in the unit square with a single
“coordinate,” its t-coordinate, where t is the point in the domain that is
paired with (x, y) by Peano’s function, and unlike Cantor’s correspon-
dence between the interval and the square, Peano’s curve is continuous.
Here are two additional facts about Peano’s curve: (1) It passes
through some points in the square more than once, so, in contrast to
Cantor’s correspondence, Peano’s curve is not a one-to-one correspon-
dence, and (2) the curve does not pass through any point in the square
more than finitely many times. This raises the question of whether it can
be refined so as to make it a continuous one-to-one correspondence.
Peano’s curve has been studied intensively in the century since its
discovery. It is now known that every continuous function with domain
equal to the unit interval and range equal to the unit square must pass
through some points of the square at least three times. Cantor’s one-to-
one correspondence between the unit square and the unit interval can,
therefore, never be refined in such a way that it becomes a continuous
one-to-one correspondence. Peano’s discovery also inspired research
into what would soon become a branch of set-theoretic topology called
dimension theory. (Dimension theory is discussed in chapter 7.)