defined a metric on the set of planes and asked and answered a
number of interesting questions about limit points, interior points,
and so forth. On the one hand, it may be difficult to see immediate
practical applications for Borel’s ruminations about the properties
of sets of lines in the plane and sets of planes in three-dimensional
space, but his paper helped mathematicians further generalize the
concept of point. This was an important consideration at the time,
and a highly abstract conception of the term point is now at the
center of mathematical thought.
The other contribution Borel made to the development of
topology that is of interest to us concerns his very important gen-
eralization of the concepts of open set and closed set. Recall that an
open set is defined as a set with the property that every element
in the set is an interior point of the set. Sets, whether or not they
are open, may be combined by taking their union. (The union of
the two sets A and B is the set consisting of all the elements of A
and all the elements of B. The union of A and B is written as A ∪
B.) As a matter of definition, if P is an interior point of the open
set A, it will be an interior point of any set to which A belongs.
In other words, if P lies in the interior of A, it will also lie in the
interior of any set that contains A. As a consequence, the union of
any collection of open sets must be an open set.
Consider, for example, the collection of open sets {x: 0 < x < 1},
{x: −1 < x < 0}, {x: 1 < x < 2}, {x: −2 < x < −1}, . . . Each set in the
collection consists of all the real numbers between two adjacent
integers, and each set is an open set. Consequently, the union of all
such sets is open. (Another logical consequence of this example is
that the set of integers, which is the set of all numbers not belong-
ing to the union, is a closed subset of the set of all real numbers.
Why? As a matter of definition—see page 46—the set of all ele-
ments not belonging to an open set is a closed set.)
The intersection of any finite collection of open sets is an open
set, but the intersection of an infinite collection of open sets may
or may not be an open set. (The intersection of a collection of
sets consists of exactly those points that belong to all of the sets
in the collection.) Consider, for example, the collection of open
sets {x:
< x <
}, where n can represent any natural number.
First, notice that each such set is open, but the intersection of all