range of f. It can be chosen arbitrarily small (as long as it remains
greater than zero). The symbol δ represents the idea of closeness
in the domain. Suppose we are given ε. If f is continuous at x
then there is a δ such that whenever x
and x
are close—that is,
whenever they are within δ units of each other—f(x
) will be close
(within ε units) to f(x
). The function f is a continuous function if
it is continuous at each point in its domain.
There are two important things to notice about this definition.
First, δ and ε can be, and often are, different in size. To see this,
consider the function f(x) = 1,000,000x. The graph of this function
is a line passing through the origin with slope 1,000,000. If ε is 1,
then any value of δ that is less than or equal to 0.000001 will satisfy
the definition of continuity. (Because the graph of this function
is a straight line, δ is the same for every value of x.) Second, as a
general rule, the value of δ will usually depend on x as well as ε.
All we can say for sure is that if the function f is continuous, then
for every value of x and every positive value of ε, some value of δ
exists that satisfies the definition of continuity.
By now it is easy to see why the do-not-pick-up-the-pencil-off-
the-paper definition of continuity is so much more widely used
than Bolzano’s definition, which is both hard to state and hard to
appreciate. So why did Bolzano bother to develop it? (It is an inter-
esting fact that a similar definition of continuity was developed at
about the same time by the French mathematician Augustin-Louis
Cauchy [1789–1857]. This is still another case of simultaneous
discovery in mathematics, and Cauchy and Bolzano were similar
in other ways. Cauchy was also a man of conscience, and he was
punished for his decisions of conscience just as Bolzano was. In
1830, when Louis-Phillipe became king of France by deposing his
predecessor, the Academy of Sciences, which was where Cauchy
worked, instituted a loyalty oath as a condition of employment. All
faculty were required to swear an oath to the new king. Cauchy
refused. He left his position at the university rather than submit.
He found work elsewhere in Europe, and for a time he worked in
Prague, which was also where Bolzano was living. There is no evi-
dence that the two of them ever met. Eight years later, Cauchy was
able to return to the Academy of Sciences in Paris without having