A New Mathematical Landscape 35
and the discrete nature of numbers, were accepted by mathemati-
cians for the next 2,000 years. In his famous paper “Continuity and
Irrational Numbers,” Dedekind questioned both ideas. He wrote
that the belief that the line forms a continuum was an assump-
tion—one could not prove this statement—but if the line were
continuous, so was the set of all real numbers. His conception of
the real number line continues to influence mathematics on an
elementary and advanced level today.
Dedekind studied mathematics at Göttingen University under
Carl Friedrich Gauss, one of the leading mathematicians of the
19th century. For seven years, he taught at the university level,
first at Göttingen and later at Zurich Polytechnic. For the next 50
years, he taught in Braunschweig, Germany, at the Technical High
School, a remarkable choice for one of the most forward-thinking
mathematicians of his age.
Since the time of the Greeks, irrational numbers had remained
something of a puzzle. Recall that rational numbers are numbers
that can be represented as the quotient of two whole numbers.
The numbers ½ and ¾, for example, are rational numbers, but
the number √2 is not rational because there is no choice of whole
numbers, a and b, such that their quotient, a/b, when squared,
equals 2. The number √2 is, therefore, an example of an irrational
number. More generally, the set of irrational numbers is defined
to be the set of numbers that are not rational.
Nevertheless, to defined something by what it is not yields very
little information about what it is. The definition of irrational
numbers as not rational goes back to the Greeks, who considered
geometry and arithmetic to be very separate subjects, in part
because geometry (as they understood it) dealt with continuously
varying magnitudes—lines, surfaces, and volumes, for example—
and arithmetic was concerned with numbers, which they regarded
as discrete entities, but to do analysis rigorously, mathematicians
needed a continuum of numbers. In other words, they needed as
many numbers as there are points on a line. Dedekind established
a one-to-one correspondence between the points on a line and the set
of real numbers. He demonstrated that he could “pair up” points
and numbers in the following one-to-one way: Each number was