counterexample 1: a continuous function
that is not everywhere differentiable
The mathematicians of Leibniz’s time took it for granted that one could
find a tangent line at every point of a curve. Given a curve and a point
on the curve, the tangent line can be constructed by passing a line
through P
and another point P
lying on the curve. Any point P
ent from P
will yield a line because any two points determine a line. To
obtain the tangent, according to Leibniz, just allow P
to move “near
enough” to P
. The result, Leibniz asserted, had to be the tangent. This
idea was formulated in terms of a general principle, which is now known
as Leibniz’s principle of continuity:
“In any supposed transition, ending in a terminus, it is permis-
sible to institute a general reasoning, in which the final terminus
may also be included.”
However, this is false, as the following counterexample demonstrates.
Consider the function f(x) = |x|, where the symbol |x| means the “abso-
lute value of x.” (As a matter of definition, |x| = x if x ≥ 0, and |x| = −x if
x < 0.) As is indicated in the accompanying diagram, the graph of this
function lies in the first and second quadrants of the plane. The graph of
f(x) coincides with the graph of the line y = x in the first quadrant, and
in the second quadrant, it coincides with the graph of the line y = −x.
For each positive value of x, the tangent to the graph exists and coin-
cides with the line y = x, and for each negative value of x, the tangent
to the graph exists and coincides with the line y = −x. According to
Leibniz’s principle of continuity, it should be possible to extend to the
origin the process of forming the tangent. The origin would be the “ter-
minus,” but if the origin is approached from the right, the tangent at the
origin must have a slope coinciding with the line y = x—that is, the slope
must be +1. If the origin is approached from the left, the slope of the
tangent at the origin must coincide with the line y = −x—that is, the slope
must be −1. The tangent at the origin is, therefore, impossible to define
since it cannot simultaneously have a slope of +1 and −1. Leibniz’s
principle of continuity fails. There are points on some curves where the
derivative fails to exist.
denominator, so their ratio “makes sense.” Consequently, the
value of the ratio in equation (2.3), which is the value of Leibniz’s
derivative, is determined by the relative sizes of the two infinitesi-