counterexample 4: sierpi ´nski’s gasket
What are the properties that all planar curves share? Identifying exactly
what it is that makes a curve curvelike is no easy task. One early defini-
tion of a curve, described a curve as the graph of a continuous function
with domain equal to the unit interval. Peano, however, showed that
under this definition the unit square, including all points in its interior,
is a curve. Other definitions were proposed and eventually rejected.
In 1915, the Polish mathematician Wacław Sierpi´nski (1882–1969)
explored the prevailing definitions of curves by producing a curve with a
very strange property, indeed. His curve is called the Sierpi´nski gasket.
To appreciate what is peculiar about the Sierpi´nski gasket, we begin
by considering an arbitrary planar curve. Let S denote the set of points
that constitute the curve. We can partition S into three disjoint subsets,
which we will call S
, S
, and S
. (The word partition means that every
element of S will belong to one of these three sets, and no element will
belong to more than one of these sets.) The set S
contains the end-
points of S. A curve may have several endpoints, or it may have none.
(An asterisklike object, for example, is a curve with several endpoints,
and a circle is a curve with no endpoints.) To test whether a point x
belonging to S is an endpoint of S, imagine drawing small circles, each
of which is centered at x. If each sufficiently small circle intersects S at
exactly one point, then x is an endpoint, and it can be assigned to S
A point x in S belongs to S
provided every sufficiently small circle
centered at x intersects S at exactly two points. Such points are called
ordinary points. Any curve drawn with a pen or pencil consists primarily
of ordinary points. In fact, our everyday experience tells us that almost
every point on a curve is an ordinary point, but as with so much else in
topology, our everyday experiences are poor guides to mathematical
Points that do not belong to S
or S
belong to S
. Points in S
called “branch points.” A fork in an idealized road is an example of a
branch point. One path leads in and two paths lead out, but our curve, S,
has no preferred direction. Consequently, terms such as “in” and “out”
are meaningless, which is why we use the following definition: A point
x in S is a branch point of S if all sufficiently small circles centered at x
intersect S in at least three points. For some x, it might also be true that
all sufficiently small circles at x intersect S at more than three points.
(Think of an intersection of an idealized road. A circle centered at the
intersection would share four points with all sufficiently small circles. Or
think of x as the center point of an asterisklike curve. Circles centered at