The Standard Axioms and Three Topological Properties 93
Moore proved that Veblen had created a metric space; he just did
not realize it. Veblen had done nothing new. His different-looking
proof was logically equivalent to earlier established proofs.
electrical circuits. He was also an extraordinarily creative mathemati-
cian. In order to complete some of his engineering and scientific work,
he created an “operational calculus,” a new branch of mathematics.
He used the operational calculus to solve certain equations that had
arisen in his research. Although he undoubtedly considered himself a
scientist and engineer, the operational calculus is sometimes described
as Heaviside’s greatest accomplishment. Even so, he rarely missed an
opportunity to express his disdain for classical proof-oriented math-
ematics and the mathematicians who study it. Here is a quote from
his book Electromagnetic Theory, volume 3, in which he offers a few
opinions on the teaching of geometry and the role of proof:
Euclid is the worst. It is shocking that young people should
be addling their brains over mere logical subtleties, trying to
understand the proof of one obvious fact in terms of something
equally, or, it may be, not quite so obvious, and conceiving a
profound dislike for mathematics, when they might be learning
geometry, a most important fundamental subject, which can be
made very interesting and instructive. I hold the view that it is
essentially an experimental science, like any other, and should
be taught observationally, descriptively, and experimentally in
the first place.
The debate did not end with Heaviside. Today some mathemati-
cians emphasize that the axiomatic method has its own shortcom-
ings, and ever more powerful computers enable mathematicians to
investigate mathematical phenomena in entirely new ways. To these
researchers, more emphasis should be placed on mathematics as
an experimental discipline. They are, although they may not know it,
disciples of Oliver Heaviside. Not only should questions be investi-
gated computationally, they argue, but numerical experiments should
be given the same degree of respect in mathematics as experiments
are given in the physical sciences, in which everyone acknowledges
that experimental results are the bedrock upon which all scientific
knowledge rests. While classical mathematical arguments remain
extremely important to mathematical progress, experimental math-
ematics is growing in importance, calling into question what it means
to do mathematics.