4.3 Application of Lean Flames in Stationary Gas Turbines 341
emissions controlled are NO
and SO
, which come from sulphur in the fuel. CO
and particulate emissions are regulated separately but not across the entire U.S.
continent. The federal regulations require gas turbines of greater than 110 MW to
emit less than 15 ppmv NO
and gas turbines of between 25 and 110 MW to emit less
than 25 ppmv. Regulations vary from one country to another, state to state in the
United States, and in California even district to district. California and Florida apply
the most stringent regulations (see, for example, [222, 223]). The combination of
geographic and climatic conditions in California results in the production of highly
toxic ozone at ground level by the action of UV radiation on NO
. In Florida it is
because of the large orange-growing industry. Small concentrations of NO
the skins of oranges. Permitted concentrations of NO
depend also on power plant
efficiency and size. Local regulations are updated in response to the opening of new
plant of a type not previously covered by legislation in the region and in response
to the introduction of new technology. The use of best available control technology
(BACT) and best available retrofit control technology (BARCT) is demanded by
some U.S. states. This drives competition and of course requires amendment of
legislation, making it difficult to keep up to date. For example, [223] was amended
seven times between 1994, when it was first issued, and 2009. Failure to match BACT
can exclude a company from certain sectors of the market. Exceptions are permitted
to allow for off-design performance during start-up, which for some types of plant
can take 3 to 4 hours, and for malfunction, but these exceptions must be recorded
and reported. Sometimes heavy fines are incurred.
The requirements for the Sacramento metropolitan area [222] are summarised
in the following list, as an example, and NO
limits are corrected to 15% O
1. Gaseous fuel firing
42 ppmv for units ≥ 0.3 MW and < 2.9 MW
42 ppmv for units ≥ 2.9 MW and operated < 877 h/year
25 ppmv for units ≥ 2.9 MW and < 10 MW and operated ≥ 877 h/year
15 ppmv for units ≥ 10 MW, operated ≥ 877 h/year, without SCR
9 ppmv for units ≥ 10 MW, operated ≥ 877 h/year, with SCR
2. Liquid Fuel Firing
65 ppmv for units ≥ 0.3 MW and < 10 MW
65 ppmv for units ≥ 10 MW and operated < 877 h/year
42 ppmv for units ≥ 10 MW, operated ≥ 877 h/year, without SCR
25 ppmv for units ≥ 10 MW, operated ≥ 877 h/year, with SCR
In [222] these limits are compared with the limits for other districts in Califor-
nia. They are typical, but the regulations for the San Joaquin Valley are the most
stringent, requiring 5-ppmv NO
for a new plant using certain gas turbine types. This
would usually require an exhaust clean-up of some kind. Regulations are extremely
detailed, sometimes specifying different limits for specific engine models. The San
Joaquin Valley Authority imposes fines for non-compliance of up to U.S$75 000 per
ton of NO
, increasing to U.S.$100 000 per ton [223] in 2014.
CO regulations also vary from place to place; 50 ppmv is the most common value
applied, but 25 ppmv is required in the San Joaquin Valley for some installations.