battle of); burning of, strategy,
230; fortifications of, 231; patriot
defense and evacuation of, 244–48;
Washington’s army on, 244. See also
Brooklyn, battle of; Kips Bay, battle
of; New York
Marion, Brig. Gen. Francis, 16
Martin, Pvt. Joseph Plumb, 81–82, 89–92,
110–11, 112, 113, 157, 179–80, 181,
243, 245
Maryland: Continental army regiments,
occupations prior to service, 29;
Continentals, xviii, 18, 66–67, 317,
336, 338, 340; “Dandy Fifth” at
battle of Brooklyn, 237; enlistment
of indentured servants, 27; German
immigration to, 30; militia, 251;
provincial regiments, 56; riflemen of,
132–33; rifle use in, 120; vagrants and
felons conscripted, 25–26
Massachusetts: Act of Banishment, 53;
blacks in service, 186; bounty offered
by, 24; Committee of Safety, 184;
Concord militia, 8; Continentals,
180, 247, 294; draft in, 25; 4th and
9th regiments, occupations prior
to service, 29; free blacks in, 184;
Marblehead Regiment, 242–43, 247;
troops at battle of Bunker’s Hill, 212;
troops in battle of Brooklyn, 242
Mathew, Maj. Gen. Edward, 250
Mawhood, Lt. Col. Charles, 263, 265, 266
Maxwell, Brig. Gen. William, 272, 273
McCloud, Alexander, 54
McCullough, David, xviii–xix
McDonald, Gen. Donald, 54
McDonough, Maj. Thomas, 237
McDougall, Gen. Alexander, 77, 248, 278
McDowell, Col. Joseph, 327, 330
McGary, Hugh, 197
McLeod, Lt. John, 339
McPherson, Lt. Col. Duncan, 336
medical care, 170–73; amputation, 171–72;
analgesics, 172; drug shortage, 170;
drugs used, 170, 175–76; hospitals,
172–73; inoculation for smallpox,
medical personnel, 167–70; College of
Surgeons, 169; Hospital Department,
heads of, 168–69; infrastructure
for, both sides, 168; medicine chests
of, 170; regimental surgeons and
surgeon’s mates, 169, 170
Memoirs (H. Lee), 19
Memoirs (Lamb), 94
mercenaries, 48–52; in European armies,
43; German, 44. See also Hessians
Mercer, Gen. Hugh, 71, 258, 265
Mifflin, Gen. Thomas, 103, 104
Miles, Col. Samuel, 236–37
militia, 6–19; avoidance of service by
wealthy, 7, 14; battle experience of,
44; battle of Brooklyn and quitting
of, 243–44, 251; battle of Hobkirk’s
Hill, 13; battle of Quebec, 12;
bounties offered by, 24; Concord,
Massachusetts, 8; Connecticut, 9, 223,
243; desertion in, 8; draft from into
army, 26; exempt populace, 7; failure
of, causes, 17; formal warfare and,
17–18; Georgia, 18, 327; Greene’s
assessment of, 15; independent mind
set of, 8, 11, 16; Kentucky, 197; lack
of discipline among, 8; land promised
to soldiers, 22, 24; leadership of,
17–19; “leveling” tradition in, 8–10;
at Lexington and Concord, 16, 205;
Loyalists coerced into, 58–59; Loyalist
suppressed by, 19; Maryland, 251;
New Hampshire, 216, 217, 298; New
Jersey, 25, 251, 279; New York, 9, 223;
North Carolina, xvii, 7, 13, 16, 17,
18, 19, 287, 327, 334, 357n27; officer
corps, 65–66; officers in,