index 398
American Colonies (cont’d)
insurrection, 6–7; transport problems
in, 106; westward expansion, xxiv
“American Crisis, The” (Paine), 53
American War of Independence, xvi;
America’s destiny and, xxv; avoidance
of service by wealthy, 7, 14, 26, 29, 31;
bloodiest battles, xvii–xviii; British
surrender (19 Oct. 1781), xxv, 352–53;
campaign season, 101; Canada and,
222–29; casualties, xvii, 14, 142–43,
156–57, 195, 217, 219–20, 229, 238–39,
243–44, 247, 259, 275–76, 295, 305,
309, 314, 317, 322, 324, 331, 340,
375n24, 378n21; “collateral damage,”
61–62; as colonial war, xix–xx,
19; as extra-revolutionary, xxiv;
Franco-American alliance, 33–35,
349, 383n24; Iraq War comparison,
xviii–xix, xx, xxi; lack of equality in
fighting of, 5; largest battle, 44; as not
revolutionary, xxiii; retreat through
New Jersey, 1776, 32; size of patriot
forces, 5, 30–33, 358n82; support for,
22, 82; Vietnam War comparison, xix,
xxi; war in the North, 203–310; war
in the South, xxi–xxii, 16, 313–53.
See also specific battles
Amherst, Jeffery, 225
Anburey, Lt. Thomas, 165, 180, 194, 305,
André, John, 72–73, 142, 276
Arbuthnot, Adm. Marriot, 315
Armand, Col. Charles, 317
Armstrong, Brig. Gen. John, 270–72, 273,
279, 280, 281
Arnold, Brig. Gen. Benedict, 12, 57,
74, 75, 101, 150, 299; assault on
Quebec, 113–14, 160, 222–29; battle
of Bemis Heights, 308, 308–9; battle
of Freeman’s Farm, 302, 303, 304,
305; relief of Fort Stanwix, 295–96;
wounding of, 71, 227, 309
Ashe, John, 138
Aston, Col. Hervey, 75
Atlee, Col. Samuel, 51, 237
Babits, Lawrence, 124, 365n10, 382n7
baggage train, 119, 179, 196, 291
Baillie, Capt. Alexander, 152
Balcarres, Major Lord, 294, 302, 307–8,
308, 309
Barnsfare, Capt., 227
Barrell, Joseph, 136
Barrett, Col. James, 205
Barrett, Thomas, 8
Baum, Friedrich, 51, 298, 299
Baxter, Col. William, 250
Beale, Ens. Robert, 260
Beebe, Lewis, 173
Bemis Heights, battle of (second battle
of Saratoga), xxii, 16, 51, 71, 128,
166, 306–10, 319; burial of dead, 167;
casualties, 71, 309; death of Gen.
Fraser, 309; map, 307; wounded men,
165–66, 310
Bennington, battle of, 16, 51, 140, 298,
299, 379n27; Indians at, 194
Bird, Lt. Col. John, 71
Birnbaum, Louis, 209
Blaine, Ephraim, 104, 105
Bland, Theodorick, 272, 273
Blenheim Palace, tapestries, xv, 274
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 44
Bond, Thomas, 169
Bordentown, 254, 255
Boston: as British stronghold, 211; British
troops, porter and beer for, 176;
Charlestown Peninsula, 211, 216,
216–17, 218, 219; Dorchester Heights,
211, 212, 213, 240; evacuation of, by
British troops and Loyalists, 53, 60,