UNIT 57 The Operational Amplifi er 523
voltage simply reaches the lowest voltage it can and
then goes into saturation. The op amp is not a digital
device, but it can be made to act like one.
If the zener diode is replaced with a voltage divider,
as shown in Figure 57–11, the reference voltage can
be set to any value desired. By adjusting the variable
resistor shown in Figure 57–11, the positive volt-
age applied to the noninverting input can be set for
any voltage value desired. For instance, if the volt-
age at the noninverting input is set for 3 volts, the
output of the op amp will go low when the voltage
applied to the inverting input becomes greater than
⫹3 volts. If the voltage at the noninverting input is
set for 8 volts, the output voltage will go low when
the voltage applied to the inverting input becomes
greater than ⫹8 volts. Notice that this circuit per-
mits the voltage level at which the output of the op
amp will change to be adjusted.
In the two circuits just described, the op amp
changed from a high level to a low level when acti-
vated. There may be occasions, however, when it is
desired that the output be changed from a low level
to a high level. This can be accomplished by con-
necting the inverting input to the reference voltage
and connecting the noninverting input to the volt-
age being sensed, Figure 57–12. In this circuit, the
zener diode is used to provide a positive reference
voltage to the inverting input. As long as the voltage
at the inverting input remains more positive than
the voltage at the noninverting input, the output
voltage of the op amp will remain low. If the voltage
applied to the noninverting input should become
more positive than the reference voltage, the output
of the op amp will become high.
and cathode are connected to ⫹12 volts, there is no
potential difference and therefore no current ow
through the LED.
If the voltage at the inverting input should become
more positive than the reference voltage applied to
pin #3, the output voltage will go low. The low
voltage at the output will be about ⫹2.5 volts.
The output voltage of the op amp will not go to 0 or
ground in this circuit because the op amp is not con-
nected to a voltage that is below ground. If the output
voltage is to be able to go to 0 volts, pin #4 must be
connected to a voltage that is below ground. When
the output is low there is a potential of about 9.5 volts
(12 ⫺ 2.5 ⫽ 9.5) produced across R1 and D1, which
causes the LED to turn on and indicate that the state
of the op amp’s output has changed from high to low.
In this type of circuit, the op amp appears to be a
digital device in that the output seems to have only
two states, high or low. Actually, the op amp is not a
digital device. This circuit only makes it appear digi-
tal. Notice there is no negative feedback loop con-
nected between the output and the inverting input.
Therefore, the ampli er uses its open loop gain,
which is about 200,000 for the 741, to amplify the
voltage difference between the inverting input and
the noninverting input. If the voltage applied to the
inverting input should become 1 millivolt more
positive than the reference voltage applied to the
noninverting input, the ampli er will try to pro-
duce an output that is 200 volts more negative than
its high-state voltage (.001 ⫻ 200,000 ⫽ 200). The
output voltage of the ampli er cannot be driven
200 volts more negative, of course, because there
is only 12 volts applied to the circuit, so the output
Figure 57–11
Adjustable inverting level detector. (Source: Delmar/
Cengage Learning)