entering angle of 45° and lead angle of 45° is utilised,
giving rise to equal axial and radial component forces.
n ‘case II’ , the entering angle has changed to 75° and
lead angle is now 15°, these altered angles change the
component forces, with an increase in the axial force
hile reducing the radial force. In ‘case III’ , an or-
thogonal cutting action occurs, with only a 90° enter-
ing angle (i.e. the lead angle reduces to zero), showing
a large increase in the axial force component at the
expense of the radial force component which is now
. In ‘case IV’ , an oblique cutting action has re-
turned (i.e. as in ‘cases I and II’), but here the entering
angle has changed to -15°, with the lead angle 75°, this
produces a large axial component force, but the radial
component force direction has now reversed. is last
tool plan approach angle geometry (i.e. ‘case IV’), is
similar to the geometry of a light turning and facing
tool, allowing cylindrical and facing operations to be
usefully undertaken – but the tool’s point is somewhat
weaker that the others, with the tool points becoming
of increased strength from right to le. erefore, in
case I’ , for a given feedrate and constant D
, the cut
length/area is greater than the other ‘cases’ shown and
with this geometry, it enables the tool to be employed
or heavy roughing cuts. Returning to ‘case III’ , if this
tool is utilised for nish turning brittle-based work-
piece materials, then upon approaching the exit from a
cut, if the diameter is not supported by a larger shoul-
der diameter, then the axial component force /pressure,
will be likely to cause edge break-out (i.e. sometimes
termed ‘edge frittering’), below the machined surface
diameter at this corner (i.e. potentially scrapping the
machined part). In mitigation for this orthogonal cut-
ting tool geometry, if longer slender workpieces re-
quire cylindrical turning along their length, then with
the radial force component equating to zero, it does
not create signicant ‘push-o’ and allows the part to
be successfully machined
A single-point turning geometry is subject to very
complex interactions and, as one geometric feature is
modied such as changing the entering angle, or in-
10 In all of these cases, it is assumed – for simplicity – that there is
no nose radius/chamfer on the tool and it is innitely sharp.
11 I
n order to minimise the eects of the radial force component
when cylindrically turning long slender workpieces with ‘Case
I and II’ tool geometries, the use of a programmable steady,
or a ‘balanced turning operation’ (i.e. utilising twin separately
programmable turrets on a turning centre, with tools situ-
ated virtually opposite each other running parallel during the
turning operation – see Fig. 41), will reduce this ‘push-o’.
creasing the tool’s nose radius, this will inuence other
factors, which in turn could have a great impact on the:
type of machined surface nish produced, expected
tool life and the overall power consumption during the
operation. In fact, the main factors that inuence the
application of tooling for a specic turning operation
Workpiece material – machinability, condition
(i.e. internal/external), mechanical and physical
properties, etc.,
Workpiece design – shape, dimensions and ma-
chining allowance,
Limitations – accuracy and precision require-
ments, surface texture/integrity, etc.,
Machine tool – type, power, its condition and
Stability – loop stiness/rigidity (i.e. from the
cutting edge to its foundations),
I. Set-up – tool accessibility, workpiece clamping
and toolholding, tool changing,
Tool programme – the correct/specied tool
and its tool osets, etc.,
Performance – cutting data, anticipated tool-life
and economics,
IX. Quality – tool delivery system and service.
In order to gain an insight into the complex and im-
portant decisions that have to be made when select-
ing tooling for the optimum production of either part
batch sizes, or for continuous production runs, then
the following section has been incorporated.
2.1.6 Cutting Toolholder/Insert
When deciding upon the correct selection of a tool-
holder/cutting insert for a given application, a range
of diverse factors must be considered, as indicated in
Fig. 21. As can be seen by the diagram (Fig. 21) and
associated text and captions, there are many other
variables that need to be considered prior to selection
of the optimum toolholder/insert. Generally, the xed
conditions cannot be modied, but by ‘juggling’ with
the variable conditions it is possible to accomplish the
best compromise toolholder/insert geometry, to opti-
mise these cutting conditions for the manufacture of
a specic workpiece and its intended production re-
quirements. Whenever toolholders and cutting inserts
are required for a specic manufacturing process, it
is important to view the tooling selection procedure
as a logical progression, in order to optimise the best
Turning and Chip-breaking Technology 43